Archiv der Kategorie: News

KiO World Cup Group Phase

Saturday, June 29, and sunday, June 30, the group phase of this year’s KiO World Cup will take place. Here are the 32 groups:

Group 1
-BH- Finch der Grinch
BMC Kölle 1948
-GVV- Nugget
JVP Fortuna Himbeergeist
Group 2
-BH- Walking with Strangers
BMC The LAST Stylebander
BMC Rot Weiß Hechingen
-GNA- Klautern 1900
Group 3
-BH- FC Norden Kicker
CFT fc klanta
JVP FC Südfriesland
Group 4
-BH- TSG Holzhausen
-GVV- Thunderstorm United
JVP Yin Yang 33
TRM Torpedo Rostock I KB
Group 5
-BH- RudisRandalierendeRabaucken
-DE- Greifswalder SV 14
JVP Rising Stars
TRM Rumpelfuß
Group 6
-BH- SG Schneifel
-BH- Daan
LATIN SC Renegados
Group 7
BMC Spvgg Koeln-Hanau
-GVV- Sylter Sport
JVP starsontour1909
-RBC bnmfjiu.bu
Group 8
-KL- FC Hot Dog
TFF FC Döner jawull
TRM Merci FC
Group 9
-GVV- FC Flummi 1909
-GVV- Black n Yellow
JVP FC Holzwurm e.v.
TRM Snakeville
Group 10
1FC Vfl Borussia Kaster
BMC The Highwoodys
JVP SportgemeinschaftDD
TRM BlexenCity
Group 11
BWB BockwurstBier
-UA- Ayyildizspor 74
MC P@Ds Borussia 09
Group 12
CFT TSG Öhringen
CFT FC Bayern Sport
-GVV- germania baumberg
Group 13
-AG- Münster 2016
JVP Dettum Footbawlerz
JVP Zweckler Jung
-UA- uA Sari Kirmizi
Group 14
BMC Grün-Weiß Borgsdorf
CFT TSV 1860 Aufräumer
-GVV- FC Kölsch 1978
JVP -19–Fonti–81-
Group 15
BMC Kickers21
TRM Bauchredner 04
TRM Moeschy
Group 16
-DE- Bu-Pv FcB
-GVV- Rathenow FC
TRM domnitsch
TRM Baumi Fc
Group 17
BMC John C.
CFT Thunder Angel
TRM SVW Salzgitter
Group 18
-BH- 1fc sambuca
-BH- Marios Bierpatrioten
Group 19
-AG- SC Kickers United
-BH- Rote Teufel Amateure
BMC TSG Wismar
BMC Ronny Berlin
Group 20
JVP Bananenzupferl
TRM SG halbe Lunge Rohrbach
Group 21
-BH- Galacticos KingX
-GNA- Super Bumm 1904
JVP Halli Galli Lucker 81
-OBC- vazelos82
Group 22
1FC Augustin Kickers
-BH- Vorwärts Bayern
-GVV- Phönix Karlsruhe
JVP borussia baden
Group 23
-GNA- BFV Bochum 1848
-GVV- Svænne Exercitus
-GVV- The DeVil InSide
Group 24
CFT Thundersquad
CFT Mingolsheim
-GVV- Boobonics
TFF SV Ripuar Homberg
Group 25
-BH- Fc Beckingen
-DE- Red Cola Dortmund
JVP Königreich Der Hölle -MK-
LATIN Club Pirates 1913
Group 26
-BH- Marcs Bierpatrioten
-BH- FC Rot Weiß Holzbein 1890
-GVV- Ostblechbande
TFF Fc Emdschi20
Group 27
-GVV- BvB Lippstadt 09
TFF Borussia Burgermeister 1900
TRM Magic Stars 1
TRM Rexus
Group 28
-BH- FC Ballspiel F.C.
-BH- FC Normannia
BMC Black – Pearl
JVP FC Sc Nankatsu
Group 29
-BH- Batlo Fc
-BH- fc 1846 ich
-GVV- FC Hillary
JVP Welcome to Hell
Group 30
-BH- FC Saufhemden
JVP CKC Green V.i.P.
Group 31
CFT Essen Steelers
-DE- SV Katzow 49
TFF Kipsdorfer Kickers
Group 32
-AG- Hoggars Swarte Fööt
BMC Biersportverein Berlin
TAA AC Valsugana 1961

Groups 1 to 16 start saturday between 16:00 and 16:30 CEST, groups 17 to 32 on sunday around the same time. The tournaments will be visible early, son you won’t miss them.

This year, we are playing the groups with rematch to diminish random influences. So you have 6 matches to play. Place 1 and 2 advance to the KiO World Cup Final tournament which will take place on July 6th.

Have fun!

KiO World Cup starts june 8

As announced earlier, the KiO World Cup Qualifiers are going to start on June 8.

Qualifier tournaments will be held each hour from 15:30 CEST to 22:30 CEST for 16 days. That’s 128 tournaments, and each tournament winner qualifies for one of 32 groups in the next round.

You can play any number of qualifier tournaments until you win one.

Good luck!

Update News!

The next KiO update will be published on june 8th. These are the changes, mostly based on suggestions from you:

  • Galaxy Cup Winners will get access passes for the following Galaxy Cup. Notice: If such a team also qualifies for Universe Cup, the Galaxy Cup pass will be removed, as one team may only play one of the great saturday cups.
  • We add Egypt as playable country. Egyptian teams may join Earh, World or Africa league.
  • Whenever you get a new player, you’ll see him in a large dialog with all details, and not just a tiny popup. This way, you can immediately see everything about your new player without searching him in the players list. This will only be available on Android phones for now.
  • Some fixes and minor changes, mostly for the KiO Worldcup which will start next week.
  • There will be NO change to Clan Cups. We are still discussing this topic. By the way thank you for all the feedback! We are trying to find a solution which is good for ALL managers.

Pack Special

Say goodbye to May (ha ha!): This weekend you get three Brexits … no, ruby! for free for each pack purchase (until monday, midnight CEST).

By the way: Season pack contents will remain unchanged to June, 1st.

9 years Kick it out!

On tuesday, 21st of may, we are celebrating the 9th birthday of Kick it out, as version 1.0 was published on that day back in 2010.

The birthday cups already started, and we are adding more specials!

Starting today, you get 5 free ruby for each pack purchase.

Furthermore, on the birthday itself (tuesday), you get one free collectible card for each tournament you participate in! (Starting 8 CEST)

All specials last until midnight CEST on tuesday.

So come in and celebrate with us!

Earth League started

The new Earth League is now open for registration!

This league is playing with reduces rock-paper-scissors influence (roughly 70 percent odds to win with correct counter formation in contrast to 80 percent in other matches).

If you like to test this configuration first, check out the Birthday Cup we just started. It’s played once an hour (roughly a quarter past each hour) in the same low tactical mode as Earth League.

Why Birthday?

Well, Kick it out celebrates its 9th birthday on May, 21st. So the Birthday Cup will be held until this date!

Change in support

As of july 1st, we are changing our support concept. Our Community Manager Manuel has finished his studies and has a full time job, so he will leave us end of june. The rest of the Ludetis team will take over, mostly lead developer Uwe will answer your questions.


Starting end of May, another instance of the KiO World Cup will be held. The largest tournament in our game will start with qualifiers, followed by a group phase and a final elimination tournament. More information later this month!

While the next regular KiO update is still not scheduled, we can already announce that it will support Egypt as additional country to choose from.

The Easter Egg Hunt

Welcome to the KiO Easter Egg Hunt!

Starting today (12 CEST), you can collect easter eggs. But the eggs are hidden, which means that we won’t undisclose how you can get them. We’re sure you’ll find it out fast!

The eggs come in different colors and rarities. You can swap 5 eggs of the same color for a free item. Of course the items you get for the least common eggs (the striped ones) are the best!

Moreover, we change where the eggs are hidden each day around 12 CEST!

The special runs until monday, midnight CEST. You can swap eggs for another 5 days, thereafter they will be deleted.

Now have fun and a great easter weekend!

Spring News

Welcome to the Spring edition of KiO News! And actually welcome to spring itself, at least here in Germany.

First of all, we are today introducing the new Season Pack Spring:

The new Season Pack contains NO player and of course no „Après Ski“ sponsor event. Instead, it brings you one prolongation item (which makes senior players stay one season longer, normally this item is not available in packs or shops). Furthermore, the pack still contains 11 talent points – and an all new sponsor event which rewards you with another 11 talent points if you solve it. But here comes a special twist: As long as you have this special „sponsored“ challenge (up to 24 hours), your morale maximum is increased by 2. Yes, this means that you can reach morale 12 or 13 at least for a day! Of course this requires that you don’t solve the challenge meanwhile, so you also cannot start other challenges. You see, this is a little mind-bending, and a funny idea. As you know, we often use the Season Pack to test new stuff, so make sure you tell us what you think about this! It all depends on your feedback if we keep doing stuff like that, or bring back the worldstar player in April instead.

Upcoming change to rename rule

Because of some not so funny recent events, we decided to stop allowing team renames for teams of level 30 and above. As you know, today, for those teams renaming is only permitted if their name remains recognisable. Naturally, there are many discussions about what exactly that means and if a certain name should be allowed or not. And if we DO allow such a name change, shortly after other teams ask why their rename wishes have been denied. To make this easier for all of us, the rename item will not be purchasable and not usable for teams of level 30 and higher starting with the next update (mid of march). Until then, you have the last chance to change your name (if it stays recognizable). I am quite sure that you understand why we do this. And this brings us to the …

March update

Scheduled for release next weekend (march 10th), the new version will bring one new feature, that’s the Clan Agent.

You get the clan agent automatically if you are in a clan (or once you join a clan). He shows up in your inventory under personell. You can use (activate) him up to once a day when you have no challenge to get a special challenge. This challenge will ask you to win 2 standard tournaments (Junior to Platinum, depending on your level), and the reward is 2 points for your clan score. So once you activate your clan agent, you play for your clan!

This allows clans to earn up to 2 points per member and day additionally, so 14 points per member per season. If all top 7 members solve their Clan Agent challenges each day, this makes 98 points in total, an obviously relevant number of points!

Furthermore, we are going to add a new clan challenge to the existing three, asking your whole clan to score a huge number of goals that day. This new challenge will be added to the schedule, so your clan gets all four challenges twice each season, but one them only once. We are sure this adds more fun to the clan championship.

Weekend Special And More

This weekend, we would like to promote self organized tournaments once again. To help you with that, you get a free tournament organization ticket for each 100 played matches between friday morning and monday, midnight.

Important notice

As you all know, the importance of the rightly chosen counter formation has been increased according to the poll we did.

That said, we still have the rule that choosing or not choosing a certain formation in a certain match is never considered as intentional manipulation.

But we have some users playing with multiple teams (which is legal). But it is illegal to manipulate matches, and as a result, users should never play with multiple teams in the same league.

From now on, whenever we find out that a user does this, that user gets a message strongly suggesting him to change the league with one of his teams. If he does not, we presume intentional league manipulation. This is treated as multiaccount abuse, resulting in a ban for the secondary team (the team with lower prestige/level) and a yellow card for the primary team.

We do not want to prohibit playing with multiple teams. But not in the same league. Thanks for your understanding!

Kick it out! February

News from your favorite game! Yes, we started a new special today, it’s the Winter Cup tournament where you can win training camps if you finish in place 1 or 2.

Also, we would like to announce that the Season Pack content will noch change on the 1st of february, so the worldstar player inside will still be a header. We will change that on 1st of march, though.

Third important news is that the poll about the rock paper scissors theme is now closed, and the majority voted for victory rates between 80 and 90%, so that’s what we are going to adjust the simulation to starting this sunday. Please allow a couple of days until the changes are stable.

Final poll about paper-scissors-rock system

As you know, we adjusted the papar-scissor-rock (PSR) system according to the results of the poll held in autumn. As there is some controversity about the currently active configuration (which is statistically between 70-80% win loss ratio for the right counter formation in elimination matches, and due to draws 10-15% less in league mode matches), we not start a new poll to ensure that the now configured values are really like the majority wants. If not, we are going to change them again.

For the sake of simplicity, there is only a german version of the poll, but it will be easy for you to find the desired option, just look for the percentages.

There are additional explainations which I translate for you here.

  1. If you want EVEN LESS paper-scissors-rock influence, team strength, morale and the exact setup become even more important. That said, in tight matches with nearly equal strength teams, setup details become the most important aspect and often luck influence is higher than the PSR’s.
  2. The current configuration has one big advantage to consider: You lose rarely against teams with significantly lower strength or morale just because they chose the right formation against yours. In tight matches, PSR and setup details and luck define the winner.
  3. If you want more PSR influence than now, please note that it will become more likely that you lose against weak teams just because they guess the right formation. Don’t blame us if that happens and you choose this option! Setup details will only be relevant in matches without PSR (both teams play the same PSR formation, like 442 vs 442 or 532 vs 343).
  4. If you want the highest possible PSR influence, you should propably just enter a tactical league (Continental Leagues, World League). If you choose the forth option, you basically say that ALL matches should be played with counter formation emphasis (or „tactical“). In this case, you can lose against very weak teams without morale just because they guess the right formation, and setup details are only relevant if both teams play the same formation.

Now give us your vote. The poll is open until friday, and we will publish the results shortly after. If needed, we will then adjust the simulation again as fast as possible, but please understand that it can take some days until we find a configiration with stable statistics.

Go to the poll!