Archiv der Kategorie: News

Dissolution of the Paysafecard contest

Thank you for participating and answering the question.

The right solution was D.

We evaluate the whole thing now, pull the winners and then get the correct PINs. The PINs will get communicated to the winners via InGame Feedback, or when you won a ruby pack it will get activated directly.
We assume that we can notify the winners no later than the end of the next week.
Thank you for your patience and have fun!

KiO 8 Update Preview (part one)

Welcome to the first preview of the upcoming update to KiO 8!
The update will be released on November 27 for Android and Windows, unfortunately there will be no update on iOS. The current version 7.2 remains compatible and largely usable.
In this first preview we would like to introduce you to the new clan evaluation, also „11er rating„:

The 11er „is not calculated by a division by the size of the clan, the points of the 11 best teams in the clan get combined.

In the same way, we change the weighting of both clan ratings („classic“ and „11“) as follows:
For championships you will now get 100 instead of 50 points, in the places 2-5 you can also points (2-> 80, 3->65, 4->50, 5->40) for your clan.
Furthermore a victory in a junior Cup/Junior League or in a Amateur Cup/Amateur League will have no more influence on the clan ranking, while the old evaluation of KiO cups/KiO leagues and Platinum cups/Platinum League with one point per victory remains. A clan cup will add 10 points.
We also increased the reward for the victory of a Regio Cup (10 points, previously 5) as well as a victory of the the Galaxy Cup/Universe Cup (150, previously 75).
In the next weeks there will be more information about the upcoming update.

Paysafecard Competition

Today we are starting a new competition. To join, use the ingame feedback function until november 9th to answer a quiz game question. You can win a paysafecard PIN with a value of EUR 5,00 or Ruby Packs. For technical reasons (and because your country might have a different currency) you MUST include your country name and „Contest“ as a keyword. Your message could look as follows:

Contest: Answer A, Espana

Paysafecard sponsors 100 PINs! On top we add 30 Small Ruby Packs as consolation prizes. If there are more correct answers than prizes available, they are distributed by lot.

Prepaid for everyone!


paysafecard lets you pay online as quickly and safely as if using cash. No bank account or credit card are needed. Pick up paysafecard from your local sales outlet and pay online easily with the 16-digit paysafecard PIN. You can also sign up free for my paysafecard – your personal online payments account. This provides you with an overview of all your paysafecard PINs and lets you pay even more easily with just your username and password.

As an extra, you get 5 free ruby for each pack purchase using Paysafecard!

And now the question!

How many matches have been played since the foundation of Kick it out?

Antwort A: 1 mil
Antwort B: 7 mil
Antwort C: 21 mil
Antwort D: 95 mil

Paysafecard and Ludetis wish you good luck!

Halloween Special

Get the +6-Boost for superstitious players for 4 days, 29.10. – 01.11., just by playing games!


Notes: The Ghost Boost is rare. You need to play many matches to get one. But it is not random. You get one each x matches. So just play!

The boost can only be activated on superstitious players. All other boost rules apply. The ghosts will vanish afer a few days (see details in your inventory), so use them!

Weekend special: Indian Summer

IMPORTANT! This special is over!

Summer is over, say hello to fall. But for your players, it’s not over yet. Give them a taste of Indian Summer:


This bottle is a player boost (working just like the shoes or the girlfriend) which gives any player +3 strength for 7 days.

You find this very special bottle in treasure chests from friday 7th october until monday morning.

Time for Renewal: KiO 8


The end of november will bring KiO 8.0. This version will not only introduce a changed clan score system. It will also add a game element which brings new options without breaking the game. Stay tuned. More news will come.

Changes to challenges

We just activated two small changes to challenges.

  1. It’s now more likely that you get other challenges than the three which belong to your team category (i.e. platinum: full house, header scores, homw wins in a row).  More variety!
  2. Due to popular demand, we re-introduced surprise items as challenge rewards. You now get such an item for solving the score 5 goals challenge.

Have a perfect weekend!

Weekend special: Hundreds

Well… not exactly this:


Most powergamers don’t need them. Because they have billions of Kio$. What to do with them?

This weekend (friday to monday) we offer strength-100-top-specialists on the transfer list again. Of course they are very very very very expensive, but hey, what else do you need those billions for? Right?

So, visit the transfer list and see if you can invest your money in one of the best KiO players around. Strength 100.

PS: The october update will bring long awaited changes to the clan championship. More on this later this month.

New Special: Clan Duels

This week, we are showcasing a new tournament format we invented: Clan Duels.


Those tournaments are 2+2 league tournaments. Two teams must be of one clan, the other two of another clan. No third clan team or third clan will be able to register. The tournaments are cancelled if not full.

Test it and tell us if you like those new kind of tournaments. If yes, we could make them standard tournaments for the clan championship.


August Update Preview (part two)

Next Sunday on the 28th August 2016 the update on KiO 7.5 for Android appears.
As mentioned in the previous preview, is adjustments to facilitate your gaming experience.
Let’s talk about the new features:

  • Players rename works from now at ALL (own) players.
  • Team Info box will now appear on the before-the-game screen
  • Fix Bugs at the Cotrainer/Almanac
  • Help at login page
  • Review the leaderboards listings improved
  • Location service improved
  • From now on it is possible to get through a collectible through a sold-out home game, it is no longer necessary to win.

Have fun!