KiO 8 Update Preview (part one)

Welcome to the first preview of the upcoming update to KiO 8!
The update will be released on November 27 for Android and Windows, unfortunately there will be no update on iOS. The current version 7.2 remains compatible and largely usable.
In this first preview we would like to introduce you to the new clan evaluation, also „11er rating„:

The 11er „is not calculated by a division by the size of the clan, the points of the 11 best teams in the clan get combined.

In the same way, we change the weighting of both clan ratings („classic“ and „11“) as follows:
For championships you will now get 100 instead of 50 points, in the places 2-5 you can also points (2-> 80, 3->65, 4->50, 5->40) for your clan.
Furthermore a victory in a junior Cup/Junior League or in a Amateur Cup/Amateur League will have no more influence on the clan ranking, while the old evaluation of KiO cups/KiO leagues and Platinum cups/Platinum League with one point per victory remains. A clan cup will add 10 points.
We also increased the reward for the victory of a Regio Cup (10 points, previously 5) as well as a victory of the the Galaxy Cup/Universe Cup (150, previously 75).
In the next weeks there will be more information about the upcoming update.