Kick it out wishes merry christmas! And you can win ruby!

Christmas time! Time to have a look into the past. To the very first Platinum Cup in KiO history!

It took place on June 26th, 2010. Six and a half years ago! The participants: SV Victoria Mechterstädt. noob Taskforce, Smoketrees FC and Faustkeil Neandertal. The winner: Smoketrees FC. Not his last title…

Now our question:

How many DIFFERENT teams won a Platinum Cup in KiO history?

a) 700, b) 2500, c) 9900, d) 52300

From among the correct answers, we will draw the winners of 11 large ruby packs and 55 small ruby packs!

Send your answer (the letter) using the keyword „“ as ingame feedback message until January, 1st. Your answer could look as follows:

asdfjlskddjf answer a

We will announce the right answer on January, 2nd and distribute the winner packs shortly after.

By the way please note that the Ludetis team also has holidays, so support answer times will be longer than usual.

We wish you and your families merry christmas!

Your Ludetis-Team