Archiv der Kategorie: News

Announcing KiO 10.4

End of january, we will release Kick it out 10.4. It will bring a couple of improvements due to suggestions from the community.

Buddy/Clan Chat function will be rewritten.

When trying to enter a tournament which starts in more than 15 minutes, an „are you sure“ dialog will show up to prevent accidental signup for undesired tournaments.

The Hairdresser will offer more options to select from.

Links to our Youtube channel will be integrated.

December Update

This is all about the new features the december update 10.3 will bring this weekend.

We are going to bring back the rewarded ad videos. That said, due to the minimal income it produces, we need to drastically cut down the rewards. You will get 1 new „video collectible“ per consumed video ad:

As always, 11 of those can be exchanged for an item. We are going to change the item you get from weekend to weekend, and rewarded ads will only be available on the weekends until christmas (for this year, this might change later depending on your feedback). Of course you can simply keep the collectibles if you don’t want the item in which they could be exchanged, and wait for something better. We will of course announce which items you get if we change this. On the first weekend of december, it will be the brand new item described below.

The hairdresser item

The new hairdresser item will allow you to change hair and beard of a player.

We are going to add this as a new fun item in the shop for a price of 5 ruby. You’ll also find it in the advent calendar and on the first weekend you’ll receive it for 11 video collectibles. Due to technical considerations, you cannot change player’s hair freely. More simple, you just choose one look from a list of 16. This is how it looks:

Yes, they are all different. Hairdressing even includes the color and shape of the brows.

Xmas specials

Don’t forget to get yourself an advent calendar from the ruby shop: Then activate it once each day to receive a free item.

Also, from december 24th to 26th, you get one random xmas collectible item for roughly one of three matches played. 11 of those item can be exchanged into other items. Which ones? That’s of course a surprise. From 26th to january first, you’ll get fireworks which basically works the same. Have fun collecting! Note that we are going to remove leftover collectibles in january, so make sure you use all piles of 11 or more.

Further changes

With certain propability, new „born“ players may be of color. So you’ll find german players with maybe african roots or english players with asian faces. This overdue improvement reflects the colorful society of this century and I’m confident that you all support the concept of totally different people living together in peace.

Lastly, for technical reasons, we are going to remove the sponsored ruby offers from the game and we are ending the cooperation with our partner Fyber. Note that you can finish started offers after the update, but you cannot start new ones.

Fall Update 10.2

Kick it out! 10.2 will come on october 31st.

It will introduce the following improvements:

  • The counter ace specialists will be improved so that they are a good choice in 541/4231 formations, mostly even better than header formations (of course depending on opponent’s setup).
  • The clan challenge requirements will depend on the clan’s average position in the 10 last seasons instead of only the last season. This will make the clan championship more interesting because all top clans will have roughly the same requirements in each season.
  • The Player Pack will be upgraded on november 1st: It will contain 2 and not only 1 top platinum player. The third player will become a potential gold to platinum (max 81-99) instead of silver to platinum (max strength 61-99).
  • The archivist will have a list of the Clan Master Cup winner teams.
  • World Cup collectibles can be recycled.
  • Other minor improvements and fixes.

KiO 10.1 available

Check out the latest version of the game: It brings a new feature to gather ruby for free by watching rewarded ad videos. Open the promotions screen (for example by tapping the ruby display on the main screen) to start this option. We are introducing this explicitely as a test run, so your feedback is important for us. Note that currently you get 2 ruby for watching an ad video, and the usage is limited to 10 times per hour.

Furthermore, this version drops support for the MQTT mode for technical reasons. You don’t need to change anything, and the game will continue to work as before for you.

Automatic coach setup max strength adjusted preliminary

We just adjusted the maximum strength which the coach consideres improvable from belov 97 to below 95 for the next 4 weeks. This is a test to find out if the automatic coach setup (which by the way occurs in 0,2% of all matches and losses after coach setup are far less likely than by sensations) can reach higher acceptance. This will be reverted if we receive complaints about supposed manipulation (intentionally losses due to setups with strength between 96 and 94).

KiO World Cup Finals

Es ist geschafft! 63 Teams haben die World Cup Gruppenphase überstanden und sich heute für das große Finalturnier nächsten Samstag (16 Uhr) qualifiziert:

TFA Marcs Bierpatrioten
-BH- Boobonics
-GVV- FC Hillary
TFA SV Prösen
-GVV- FC Flummi 1909
-GVV- SV.mike the best
TFA Thunder Angel
TFF FC Südfriesland
JVP borussia baden
-GVV- Yin Yang 33
TRM Rumpelfuß
-BH- FC Agrippina Köln
TFA FC Ballspiel F.C.
TRM Moeschy
BMC Barfuß Bergheim
-BH- Hoppetosse
-ZPP- Halli Galli Lucker 81
TRM SG halbe Lunge Rohrbach
-BH- SG Schneifel
BMC fc klanta
BMC The LAST Stylebander
TRM domnitsch
TFF Fc Emdschi20
uA Sari Kirmizi
TFA 1fc sambuca
-BH- Walking with Strangers
BMC FC Isobobo
-GVV- Nugget
TFA FC Norden Kicker
FC Stahlbach 89
TRM 1.FC Meinland I KB
GER thesnakes Wölfe
-BH- Taudemeister
-GVV- merheim München
-DE- Red Cola Dortmund
GER Isar Tiger München
TRM BlexenCity
-GVV- FC Hot Dog
-PK- Team-Odw
TRM Kölle 1948
-OBC- Hoggars Swarte Fööt
-BH- fc 1846 ich
TFA Finch der Grinch
BMC Ronny Berlin
-GNA- BFV Bochum 1848
-BH- Fc Beckingen
-BH- Allfield Utd
TFA Grobes Foulspiel
TFF Kipsdorfer Kickers
BMC Hounds of Hell
-GVV- Svænne Exercitus
1889 Ostblechbande
TFA FC Bayern Sport
JVP Black – Pearl
-GVV- Diamond Susi
TDS Dark days
-GVV- SpVgg Sülz 07
TFA Fußball Club -MD- 1965
-BH- Galacticos KingX
-ZPP- FC Kölsch 1978

Wir gratulieren!

Hinweis: In mehreren Gruppen qualifizierten sich die Teilnehmer kampflos, da nicht mehr als Teams antraten. Wir bedauern diese Tatsache und werden prüfen, den Modus fürs nächste Jahr zu überarbeiten, um das zu verhindern.

KiO World Cup Qualifier ended

The qualifiers are done! And here are the resulting groups for the next phase:

Group 1
-DE- Greifswalder SV 14
TFA Grobes Foulspiel
TFF Kipsdorfer Kickers
TRM Sohn Lotte
Group 2
-BH- Boobonics
TFA Marcs Bierpatrioten
TFF FC Döner jawull
-ZPP- BvB Lippstadt 09
Group 3
BMC Hounds of Hell
-GVV- Svænne Exercitus
-ZPP- Rathenow FC
Group 4
GER Münster 2016
TFA Thunder Angel
TFF Fc Wacker Boden
TFF FC Südfriesland
Group 5
-GVV- FC Hillary
JVP Rot Weiß Hechingen
TFA SV Prösen
TFA 1.FC Alyxia
Group 6
BMC Grün-Weiß Borgsdorf
GER Thunderstorm United
-GVV- SV.mike the best
-GVV- FC Flummi 1909
Group 7
-BH- Galacticos KingX
TDS – ESP – Manolito 86 F. C
TRM Magic Stars 1
-ZPP- FC Kölsch 1978
Group 8
-BH- FC Agrippina Köln
DWD FC Arroganz 1972
TFA RudisRandalierendeRabaucken
TRM Rumpelfuß
Group 9
1889 Ostblechbande
BMC TSG Wismar
TFA FC Bayern Sport
Group 10
-BH- Hoppetosse
BMC Barfuß Bergheim
BMC Spvgg Koeln-Hanau
TDS FC SensibleSoccer
Group 11
GER 1.FC Werkself 1904
-GVV- The DeVil InSide
-GVV- Yin Yang 33
JVP borussia baden
Group 12
BMC FC Pustibaer 04
TFA FC Ballspiel F.C.
TRM Moeschy
-ZPP- Phönix Karlsruhe
Group 13
-BH- SG Schneifel
BMC 2.FC Querlatte
BMC fc klanta
TRM Tana Catania
Group 14
-BW- Aran Banjo
ENZ Didiziti
JVP Black – Pearl
TRM Rexus
Group 15
BMC The LAST Stylebander
-GVV- simon242
TRM domnitsch
Group 16
-BH- Walking with Strangers
JVP Fortuna Himbeergeist
TFA 1fc sambuca
Group 17
-GVV- Market Square Heroes
TRM SG halbe Lunge Rohrbach
-ZPP- Halli Galli Lucker 81
Group 18
BMC FC Isobobo
DWD bnmfjiu.bu
-GVV- Nugget
-ZPP- Gokkun
Group 19
-GVV- Sylter Sport
TFA FC Norden Kicker
TFF Weserfun Minden
FC Stahlbach 89
Group 20
-GVV- Diamond Susi
TDS Dark days
TRM SVW Salzgitter
Group 21
-DE- Bu-Pv FcB
TFA Daan
TFF Fc Emdschi20
uA Sari Kirmizi
Group 22
-BH- Taudemeister
-GVV- merheim München
JVP The Highwoodys
TRM Snakeville
Group 23
BMC Kickers21
GER thesnakes Wölfe
TRM 1.FC Meinland I KB
TRM Gustedt Socceroos
Group 24
GER Isar Tiger München
IKG woodie77
JVP SportgemeinschaftDD
TRM BlexenCity
Group 25
GER Feeds United
-GVV- FC Hot Dog
-GVV- Team-Odw
IKG die Magersüchtigen
Group 26
-OBC- Hoggars Swarte Fööt
TFF SV-Husum
TRM Kölle 1948
Krawuzi Kapuzi
Group 27
-BH- fc 1846 ich
-GVV- germania baumberg
TFA Marios Bierpatrioten
Group 28
BMC Ronny Berlin
GER FC Herrschall
TFA Finch der Grinch
TRM Baumi Fc
Group 29
-DE- Red Cola Dortmund
GER FC lützel 85
Group 30
BMC 1.FC Größenwahn
-GVV- SpVgg Sülz 07
TFA Fußball Club -MD- 1965
Group 31
-GNA- BFV Bochum 1848
JVP starsontour1909
TFF Borussia Burgermeister 1900
Group 32
-BH- Fc Beckingen
-BH- Allfield Utd
-BH- Team Migelos
-GNA- FC Deep Depp

The group phase will be held on AUGUST, 15TH starting 14:00 CEST.

The tournaments run in league mode with rematch. Place 1 and 2 will be allowed to join the final tournament one week later.

Please note that the tournaments are started one after another with delays of 2-4 minutes. This means that Group 1 starts around 14 CEST, and Group 32 sometime between 15:30 and 16:00. We cannot tell the exact time because it depends on server load. Just be prepared and monitor the tournaments list. The group tournaments will show up early enough for you to join in time.

If only 3 participants show up, a bot team joins them. If only 2 participants show up, the tournament is cancelled. Please note that in this case we give out the finals passes manually to the 2 participants, so please be patient because that may take a couple of hours.

KiO World Cup starts july 7

As announced earlier, the KiO World Cup Qualifiers are going to start on July 7th.

Qualifier tournaments will be held each hour from 15:30 CEST to 22:30 CEST for 16 days. That’s 128 tournaments, and each tournament winner qualifies for one of 32 groups in the next round.

You can play any number of qualifier tournaments until you win one.

Good luck!

All about KiO 10

Kick it out! 10.0 is scheduled for release on may 27th 2020 which is the 10th birthday of Kick it out! 1.0!

This article explains the changes in KiO 10.

Clan Master Cup

The Clan Master Cup is a totally new Clan tournament which is held each saturday at 19:00 CEST. It’s a one-for-all-tournament which means that each clan can participate with ONE team only. The first team of each clan that joins the tournament will represent the clan. The winner’s clan gets the Clan Master Cup (not the team!) and an entry in the new Clan Master Cup hall of fame.

Other Clan Improvements

Clans are important for our game, so there are even more improvements. Clan admins will be able to make other teams new admin directly in the clan management. No more need to send us a message. Also, clans can be deleted using a new item from the shop. So also no need to send us a message, and, even more important, wait until we execute the change.

And there’s more: Whenever a team above level 30 joins a clan, you will see that in the newsticker.

Help and Support

The Wiki will be integrated directly inside the game on the help screen. We are currently working on improvements in the english version, this will propably not completed when KiO 10 is released but somewhat later. Furthermore, the ingame message system will be replaced by an e-mail system.

Improvements for Beginners

We have many more users since a couple of months, and we found that we should make their KiO lives easier. We are going to remove the strength limitation of player transfers and we will change the player offers in the shop.

Fan Clubs

A completely new feature are the Fan Clubs. Your club can have multiple of these, and you get them when you solve special challenges which show up only once on fridays as you play. Fan Clubs increase the number of stadium visitors, or allow you to increase the ticket prices withoug risking lower number of visitors.

Specialist Eraser

There will be an often-demanded new item in the June Season Pack: The Specialist Eraser. This rare item allows you to make a specialist a „normal“ player, and then to make him a different specialist by using the well known specialist training.


We will do some additional adjustments as follows:

  • In the simulation, some parameters will be scaled down for low morale (below 5). This means that losing against a team with morale 0 but surprisingly right counter formation will be much rarer. Also the chances to win against a low morale team with same formations (or even the right counterformation) are even higher than before. No changes for high morale greater than 4!
  • Payouts will be adjusted in Universe Cup, Galaxy Cup (higher) and Clan Cup (much lower) as they currently do not match the importance of those tournaments.
  • The list of highest or worst results will be removed because it heavily downgraded the server performance.

Please note that there will be no new version of the game for Windows. This means that certain features (those which depend on the app) are not supported on Windows, while server-only changes are.

Thanks for supporting us and for playing our game for more than ten years!