Archiv der Kategorie: News

Compensation for player chaos

On friday, some players have been moved accidentally from one team to another. Unfortunately, we have to admit that it is impossible to repair each of this faults.

As compensation, each league participant automatically gets one free platinum specialist contract just before the first match day of the new season.

We apologize for this severe error and can inform you that measures have been taken to make it impossible that it happens again.

Preview: 4-2-3-1 learns counter attacks

We understand that many of you don’t like the counter formation 5-4-1. Propably mostly you don’t like losing against it.

Furthermore, 4-2-3-1 is being played less than in reality. We are going to change this.

4-2-3-1 will get a counter attack propability lower than 5-4-1 but larger than the other formations starting next season. This means that 4-2-3-1 is versatile and can score with counter attacks but also by other means like before.

Additionally, we tweak counters to work in a more realistic way. If you are leading, your team will start less counter attacks, and if your opponent scores the first goal, they will play more secure resulting in quite a problem for 5-4-1 but not for 4-2-3-1.

We are sure that this changes will further improve the tactics experience in Kick it out.


Introducing our new Community Manager

Starting today, Manuel, currently well known as global moderator, now is your official Kick it out! Community Manager.

We introduced this role to have a reliable and official communications partner for all of you and for us. Manuel will continue to be present on this board and is your first contact person, as he will handle most of your ingame feedback messages and emails sent to The rest of the Ludetis team will now be able to concentrate more on the development of the game.

Please welcome Manuel and support him in his new role.

Update July

Kick it out! update July brings the following changes on the last sunday of july:

1. Opponent’s coach actions become visible before the match starts. If a team activates the first CA less than 30 seconds before kick off, the match is postponed by some seconds so the opponent can see the coach action and react if he wants. This should further increase the acceptance of coach actions.

2. New coach action: LONG SHOTS +50% shots of Offensive Midfield players, -50% possession on forward positions, cost 2 coach action points, needs 0 coach experience points. This CA does work perfectly against counter attack tactics because it causes less counter attacks and allows more shots (but with less strength than attackers). Also note that the more OM you have, the better: 4-2-3-1 and 3-4-3 allow for 3 resp 4 OM players which can cause a significant increase of goal shots.

Note that the new coach action has been developed together with the community on our forum, and is the winner of a voting.

Have fun with the latest update!

Server maintenance

Due to a database problem, the game server is currently offline. We are currently repairing it, but this might take a while.


Unfortunately we had to create a rather complicated script in order to repair defective inventory and squad data. This took us a few hours, because it really was a hard task. The script is now running, but is has to deal with 15 million rows of data, which will be finished sometime this night. This means that we can only restart the game tomorrow in the morning after we checked if everything looks right. League matches will be postponed. We are quite sure that in spite of our repair script some of you will be affected by faults like missing or extra inventory or players. Please use ONLY ingame feedback for complaints. One thing: if you are just missing 2 or 3 cap’s or if you have 3-4 extra crystal balls, please just take it as it is. We did write the script in a way that more teams will have extra items than missing items. Furthermore, when everything is on the right track again, we will start a special for compensation. Also we are going to take measures to improve stability of our systems. But number one priority is currently the restart of the game. Thank you for your patience and good night.

Final information:

The server is back online since wednesday early morning. If you miss items or players, please contact support with all details using the ingame feedback form. Please be aware that due to the huge amount of feedback it can take some hours until your inventory is fixed. If you find additional items you may keep them.

We apologize for the downtime and damage and asure you that we are planning high priority measures to prevent such things from happening again.

Get the Tablet version

It’s here!

Get the new version for Android Tablets now from Google Play!

This version runs on both tablets and phones. On phones, it looks like the previous versions (except for some improved graphics).

Note that the new version has a new color coding for player fitness: green (100%), yellow (down to 95%, energy drinks ineffective), orange (down to 80%), red (below 80%). The tablet version also shows an injury icon for players with fitness/health below 30%.

The new version includes a crashlog-submitting feature. If you experience problems, you can turn it on on the profile page (both tablet and phone versions).

Have fun with the new version!

June Update

Like each month June will bring another KiO update.
The following new features are planned:

– Additional information and warnings about upkeep*
– More interesting news in the ticker*
– recycling of relocation item*
– teams who already have a UC pass cannot enter a UC qualifier*
– for 30 days, each day new teams visit their office they get a free sponsor contract*

EDIT: Three more things that came up…

– Counter Ace will be improved (more goal shots) due to popular demand
– Sponsor Event Challenge „join organized tournaments“ will be removed due to popular demand
– Transfer of a specific player to another team and back to the previous owner will be prevented to stop the unwanted restarting of auctions.
– Coach Action „Overstrain“ changes as follows: „Players get +5 and 2-4 players loose all their health“
– Energy drinks only affect players with health higher than 30 and lower than 95

AND the most important thing:

Start of the Open Beta of the tablet version. More information will follow.

The June Update is scheduled for release on the last June weekend.

All changes with * are Android only. The other platforms will get the updates later.