Archiv der Kategorie: News

Changes to challenges

We just activated two small changes to challenges.

  1. It’s now more likely that you get other challenges than the three which belong to your team category (i.e. platinum: full house, header scores, homw wins in a row).  More variety!
  2. Due to popular demand, we re-introduced surprise items as challenge rewards. You now get such an item for solving the score 5 goals challenge.

Have a perfect weekend!

Weekend special: Hundreds

Well… not exactly this:


Most powergamers don’t need them. Because they have billions of Kio$. What to do with them?

This weekend (friday to monday) we offer strength-100-top-specialists on the transfer list again. Of course they are very very very very expensive, but hey, what else do you need those billions for? Right?

So, visit the transfer list and see if you can invest your money in one of the best KiO players around. Strength 100.

PS: The october update will bring long awaited changes to the clan championship. More on this later this month.

New Special: Clan Duels

This week, we are showcasing a new tournament format we invented: Clan Duels.


Those tournaments are 2+2 league tournaments. Two teams must be of one clan, the other two of another clan. No third clan team or third clan will be able to register. The tournaments are cancelled if not full.

Test it and tell us if you like those new kind of tournaments. If yes, we could make them standard tournaments for the clan championship.


August Update Preview (part two)

Next Sunday on the 28th August 2016 the update on KiO 7.5 for Android appears.
As mentioned in the previous preview, is adjustments to facilitate your gaming experience.
Let’s talk about the new features:

  • Players rename works from now at ALL (own) players.
  • Team Info box will now appear on the before-the-game screen
  • Fix Bugs at the Cotrainer/Almanac
  • Help at login page
  • Review the leaderboards listings improved
  • Location service improved
  • From now on it is possible to get through a collectible through a sold-out home game, it is no longer necessary to win.

Have fun!

Less surprises, more fun

As announced earlier, we tweaked the simulation to produce less surprises and sensation. This change is now active since three days.

We can now announce that the changes were successful. Here come the numbers:

Average surprises overall: 16 percent down to 11 percent

Average surprises in tactical leagues: 13 percent down to below 2 percent

As you see, our change affected mostly the tactical leagues, which was exactly the desired effect. So if you don’t like surprises, change into a tactical league: the World League, Asia League or Belgium League. If many people change to tactical leagues, we will consider to change more leagues to the tactical mode.

Thanks for your feedback and enjoy less-surprise-playing!

August Update Preview (part one)

Due to the constructive feedback from the community, we will us the following update to some parts of the game.
This includes ensuring that training Extras (slalom poles, poke balls, training textbook) get removed from the game, in return we will change the function of the improved training ground which has unlocked frequently training before. This will be possible after the update already with the simple training ground.
The improved training ground takes in the future operation of the Training Extras, it simplifies the training minigame.
For all managers who allready have the training ground, there will be no changes, except that the useless items disappear. New managers do not need to buy the items, since the function only depends on the training ground.

Summer holidays end – great news begin!

The Ludetis summer holidays are over now. And the next Kick it out Update is about to come at the end of month. But first, we have another thing to tell.

As a reaction to your feedback, we improved the simulation in a way to reduce the number of surprises and sensations in tactical leagues massively, and in all other matches noticably. Furthermore, because match analysis results in tactical leagues have often been overrated in the past, the analysis results „surprise“ and „sensation“ will be omitted in those matches. These optimizations will be activated starting with the next season under usual reserve.

More information on the next update for Android, Windows and (hopefully) ios, partly also affecting your feedback to the VIP boxes, will follow in the next days.


Warnings and Bans

It seems to us that many of you don’t realize that we do issue warnings and ban users who play unfair. For this reason, we are now changing our warning policy as follows:

Warnings and bans will be shown on the team’s emblem like this:


Warnings are issued mostly for hate speech, manipulation of league matches or multiaccount abuse. Warnings are displayed as yellow cards for 6 months.

Teams are banned temporarily if the play unfair during the validity period of a warning. The emblem will then show a yellow and a read card and those teams are banned for 15 days. The warning is prolongated for another 6 months.

Teams who have once been banned temporarily and act unfair for another time, are banned forever. Their emblem will show a red card.

That said, please understand the difference between suspicion and evidence. Whenever somebody reports an unfair behaviour, we investigate the case (this can take some days). Only if we find evidence for a real unfair activity, a warning or ban will be issued. I am sure that you all understand that nobody is punished just because of a suspicion.

And now back to more pleasant things – the game!

Special: Hot Summer Cup

To celebrate the recurring summer weather there will be the Hot Summer Cup until 02.09, which runs during the daytime without interruption.
Each cup has its own random maximum strength.
The winner will receive a special collectible.