Archiv der Kategorie: News

You decided: JC will be restricted

The voting is over: You decided that the Junior Cup will get a Prestige Max of 1000, and the Junior League will stay open. Also, as announced earlier, the Amateur Cup C will be restricted to teams with Prestige 2000 or less when the update comes on sunday. Thanks for voting!

Collect Eastereggs!

Play your friends and collect eastereggs! When you have 10, you can get the open-eggs challenge, and the reward is – a free coach! (If you have the coach, you get a silver player contract)

Preview March Update

The march update for Android will come on April 7th. It brings us the following changes:

  • Recycling – allows to remove some types of items in exchange for small amounts of money. Example: Flags, socks, workers, villa, jet.
  • Coach Action change: „Ritual“ will be changed to mascot bonus x3 instead of x2.
  • Coach Action change: „Accuracy“ will be changed to -50% shots, +50% shot quality
  • Coach Action change: „Fortify“ will be changed to -50% opponent shots and crossings, -75% own shots
  • Simulation update: 5-4-1 will get the ability to counterattack. Whenever an opponent attacker looses the ball, you can get a counterattack. This improves 5-4-1 and makes it more playable compared to the other tactics.
  • Prestige max in JC/JL/AC/AL because those tournaments shall be reserved for beginners who currently are bashed by pro teams looking for easy prestige collection all the time. Details are still unclear.
  • Beginner League for free2play users, can be joined once. Beginner Leagues start when full but not on friday thru sunday and all end on saturday morning (this obviously means different round intervals). Obviously this is irrelevant for most users on this forum.

The ios update will come in April, but actually most stuff is done on the server, so only Recycling and the Beginner League will be missing. There will also be a Winphone 7 update of KiO 3 including Recycling, Prestige Max and Beginner League.

Goodbye Winter Cup

This night we are starting a new special event, the „Goodbye Winter Cup“. It’s very much like the KiO cup, starts every 10 minutes and has a max strength of 90. Cup winners get the payout plus five talent points.

Remember that on each first of month you can also start the Scout Special just by sending your scout.

Season Pack change

As you know, we change the contents of the Season Pack from time to time. Starting with the first of march, the Season pack will contain 21 instead of 8 talent points. The workers are removed from the pack. Workers will be available in the ingame shop for 950.000 each.

Before you buy at exactly 00:00:01, check the pack description, as the change will take place some minutes after midnight CET, and make sure you get what you want.

Update February

NOTICE: If you were affected by the bug which a produced a low auction fee, please use ingame feedback to contact support, they will give you the money you miss.

The main new feature of the february update is the reverse auction.

  • Players that are put on the transfermarket for more then 200% will be automaticly reverse auctions (it will be displayed). That also means, that you can’t start an auction without the scout.
  • The maximum is increased to 500%
  • There will be new filters for the transfermarket : „auctions only“, „no auctions“ and „all“
  • reverse auctions will be maked. The buy button has a hammer, there are arrows next to the price and they will have a different background color (see picture)
  • The price will be lowered every 6 minutes by 1% and the new price will be displayed
  • If a player reached 20% of its value he will be removed from the fransfer list and will receive an offer from an AI team (except for platinum players).
  • Everything else will work as it’s used to.
  • Players who are in a reverse auction can’t be withdrawn from the transfer list. They are not taken down from the transferlist automatically although their value changed (eg by gaining quality or loosing a +)
  • You can’t make an offer for players who are in a reverse auction. If a team scouted a player before the reverse auction started and is making an offer he will receive an error.
  • auction fee: There will be a 1% fee. The previous owner of the player will receive the money the player was bought for minus 1% of that value
  • There will be no transfer restriction (explanation: in some discussions in the german forum there was the suggestion to implement a restriction. It would have worked like this: the transfered player is not able to be retransferred to any other team for one week, to avoid that players are sold for more than 300%. But as I said this will not be implemented, because Uwe analyzed the transfer market and checked some teams behaviour without any results.)
  • Every player can be put on the transfer list for the max. percentage (currently only players above Q85 could be sold for the max.)
  • There will be new searching parameters for the transferlist: Speciallists , left/right/both feet, number of +’s (requires scout)
  • The current value of a player who is auctioned will be displayed in the players profile
  • If a player is bought the value and percentage factor are sent to both teams.

Furthermore, there is a new coach action replacing „take it easy“:

  • Ritual – Mascot bonus is doubled

Simple and cool, right? This allows teams to reach magic 111 strength. Now go and buy superstitious players as long as they are still cheap!

There is more:

  • Coach actions can be planned for league matches beforehand. This costs extra CAP. So you don’t need to be online in the right moment
  • Enriched match report. You see each goal shot, and a specialist rating from 0 to 5 showing how many good specialists a team had.
  • Adjusted match simulation: Midfield players have more influence on ball possession.

Now have fun with the new version!




Carnival Special

We actually have THREE carnival specials this year:

1. Carnival Challenge: Drink 33 beer during training to get 5 presents (drink one to start the challenge)
2. Carnival Cup: Much like the Africa Cup, this tournament runs each 10 minutes and winners get a free young player with strength max 70-99 and 20% specialist propability.
3. Coach Action „Helau“ (=german carnival greeting): superstitious players get +1 for 1 cap.


To see this little image, get the latest version from Google Play (it has no other notable changes)

All specials run until tuesday night.

Have fun!

Update January

The January update brings new features:

1. Achievements
There is a new screen showing your achivements.

Most achievements come as silver/gold/platinum. For example to get the Junior Cup medal in silver, you have to win one Junior Cup, for Gold 50 and for Platinum 1000.
There are 24 achievements. Most are calculated retrospectively, so if you already won a Junior Cup in the past, you automatically get the silver JC medal. Unfortunatelly this is not possible for some achievements (marked with a *), which will be counted starting with the update, but for ALL teams, not only the Android users.
Achievements of other teams will be visible on the other team screen.
Furthermore, we are taking the opportunity and correct the championship stars calculation. Note that the backwards calculation of league related achievements is delayed. Please be patient until you see all your achievements.

2. Player specialists will be visible from strength 40, not 50. Applies to ios and winphone also.

3. The regular Cups will be split in strength ranges of ten as follows: Amateur Cup A/B/C (max 50/60/70), Kio Cup A/B (max 80/90), Junior Cup A/B (max 30/40). Applies to all platforms.

4. New coach actions: „Fortify“ gives your defenders a bonus but increases their exhaustion. Being a „small“ version of „overstrain“, this costs only 1 CAP. The other action is „take it easy“, giving players -10 and low exhaustion. Both actions require certain coach XP.

5. New challenges: „Score at least 5 goals in each of 10 matches“ (reward 3 CAP) and „Win 5 away matches in a row“ (reward 2 rookie talent points). This is for all users.

6. New promo campaign with the new version of our Fantasy Hotel Manager game „Santa Daemonica“.

7. Player strength will be cut to tournament max BEFORE applying their health. This means that you cannot play for example all AC matches with Q70 if you have somehow setup 11 Q90 players. After the first match, the exhaustion of 2 will apply and make the players Q69 (70*98%), and Q67 in the third. This also means you cannot „play down“ your team anymore, register for a lower Q cup and then play with that cup’s maximum strength.

Why is my team’s strength reduced when joining a cup?

Example: You have a Q90 team, some players have Q above 90 and some below. You join a KiO Cup. Now, all players with strength above 90 are limited to 90. Together with your players below 90, your average team Q is reduced below 90.

If you want to play exactly with the Q maximum in a cup (at least the first round before exhaustion comes in), all of your players would have to have exactly strength equal to that cup’s maximum.

We did this change because of many user complaints about this and other tricks which made especially the Amateur Cup quite boring. Now it’s harder to play with a cup’s maximum strength, making those cups more interesting.

As you see we bring to life many proposals from the community. We are sure  you like the new update.

Africa Cup gestartet / Africa Cup started

Der KIO Africa Cup ist gestartet und gibt Euch die Chance, kostenlos an einen Top-Spieler zu kommen.

Dafür braucht Ihr allerdings neben einer guten Mannschaft (max. Q80) und taktischem Geschick auch Glück. Denn der Sieger erhält zwar einen afrikanischen Nachwuchsspieler, jedoch hat dieser eine zufällige Endstärke. Das heißt, ob ihr nachher einen Q41- oder Q99-Spieler erhaltet, ist dem Zufall überlassen.

Dafür starten die Turniere alle 10 Minuten und legen los sobald sie voll sind. Umso öfter man also einen Africa Cup gewinnt, umso besser ist die Chance auf einen echten Top-Spieler.

Bis zum 28. Januar – also ungefähr für die Dauer der Vorrunde des echten Afrika Cups – läuft unsere Sonderaktion.

Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß und vor allem sportlichen Erfolg 🙂

Euer KIO-Team

Die Daten:

Startgeld: 100.000
Ermüdung: 3
Modus: KO
Größe: 16 Teams
MaxQ: 80
Fahnen: erlaubt



The KIO Africa Cup has started and gives you the chance to come to a free top player.

For this you do need besides a good team (max Q80) and tactical skill – a bit of luck. Because the winner will get an African rookie player, but he will have a random final strenght. (max. quality from Q41 up to Q99).

Therefore the tournaments start every 10 minutes and get started as soon as they are full. The more often you have won a Africa Cup, the better the chance of a real top player.

Until 28 January – about the duration of the preliminary round of the real Africa Cup – is our special promotion.

We wish you much fun and especially success 🙂

Your KIO team

The data:

Entry Fee: 100,000
Fatigue: 3
Mode: KO
Size: 16 teams
MaxQ: 80
Flags: Allowed

Amateur Cup A / B

Wie Euch vielleicht schon aufgefallen ist, haben wir den Amateur Cup vorrübergehend in zwei Turniere aufgesplittet. Amateur Cup A (bis Stärke 70) und B (bis Stärke 55).

Beide Turniere haben die gleichen Prestige- und Preisgeld-Werte.

Vorrübergehend deshalb, weil es abhängig vom Feedback der KIO-Spieler ist, ob wir es später möglicherweise permanent so machen oder halt nicht.

Wir sind gespannt auf Eure Meinung!

(ps. Durch die Aufsplittung erscheint im Turnierscreen der Ball als Symbol für das Turnier. Der Gewinner erhält jedoch den richtigen Pokal in seiner Sammlung.)


We’ve split the Amateur Cup temporarily in two tournaments. Amateur Cup A (up to 70) and B (up to 55).

Both tournaments have the same prestige and prize money levels. Splitting the tournaments means for the tournamentscreen, that the ball appears as a symbol for each. The winner will have the right trophy in his collection.

We made it temporarily because it depends on the feedback from the KIO players, whether it might be permanently or just not.

We look forward to your opinion!