Archiv der Kategorie: News

Carnival Special

The Special is from 04.02. until 10.02.
If you do not have challenge and drink beer while training, you get the a special challenge.

We are also adding a surprise to all Special Packs purchased between 04.02. and 10.02.

Well then: Helau, Alaaf and cheers!

Android-Update 7.0.6

Today the latest update for Android appears.

This includes:

  • The three-point menu moves to the right top of the Main Screen (Android standard). This is not active for for previous users, but you can cnage this easily in the profile, new players will receive the new mode as preset
  • internal support for the following soon new features, like the tournaments with k.o. matches
  • Various bugfixes and optimizations
  • Treasure hunt collectibles are now names „special collectibles“. This makes clearer that they do not only contain chest cards but also ruby cards (and in the future maybe even others)
  • As suggested by YOU, the newsticker now shows the latest ClanCup winner. This also applies to the KiO Magazine (don’t know it? Swipe to the left on the main screen!). Of course this change is also visible on the other platforms.

Have fun!

Tactic Guide: Specialist Rating

Today we talk about a slightly different topic.
From time to time, we get messages from disappointed managers because they have lost an important match, even though they had the better specialists rating.
But is a good specialists rating a good tactic?

The answer is simple: No!

Good and bad constellations can give the same strength and specialist rating, but are not equal.
Here is an example:

the obviously bad tactic

the obviously bad tactic

Both constellations have the same specialist rating, but it is clear that the second tactic is the better one.

Additional the simulation analysis considers that the constellation to be better than it actually is and therefore it grades the match result as a surprise which isnt actual one.

We hope this will help you and wish you success building a right tactic!

return matches in tournaments

You have been wondering why there is no return match in Kick It Out? We also and we intend to change that!

Currently this is planned for the next update.
At first, there will be a test Special Cup in this mode, in future the Galaxy Cup, the Universe Cup, Regio Cups and the Clan Cup are planed to get played this way.
For this purpose, suggestions via ingame feedback are welcome to be made, for example, if you believe f.e. that the Clan Cups shouldnt be converted.
We are aware that you have to compete in more matches until the final that cost more strength and stamina. That is why we dont change the regular cups. But: You may be able to retunr a unlucky first match result.
The mode reduces significantly the chance of bad luck!
Of course, the usual European Cup rules apply.

News about the forum

As you maybe noticed, we had to close our forum because of certain incidents before the holidays. We came to the conclusion, that we should rather concentrate on improving the game than on forum moderation. So the forum will stay closed for the public. If you want to contact us, please use the ingame feedback form or send an email. Like in the past year, we will continue to read all your ideas and wishes and bring them into the game if possible.

That said, we of course know how important communication is for our community. So we decided to bring up a web based chat (not part of the apps, but linked from them). We will immediately start testing this and publish it in the next update later this month. On success, we’d like to add league and buddy chats.

We wish you a great new year and most success on the fields of Kick it out!

Merry Christmas!

Like every year, there is a Christmas special. This year there are special challenges starting, where you get a gift, if you play five times against friends. In addition, this gifts can get doneted to friends on your list if they have less prestige. Whenever you do this, you will receive 1 Prestige!
Even we, the Ludetis team, take a vacation. Our support is therefore limited available, it delays may happen.

We wish you all and your families a happy and peaceful Christmas!

New system in the beginner leagues

With the today’s update we want to introduce you the new system for the beginner leagues.

All participants of the Beginner Leagues have already received their licenses for the new Silver League.
This new beginner leagues always start Sundays. When a group is full, it will start automatically a new one.
All of these new leagues are equal, it involves first leagues.
Next Week Sunday, so on 27.12. the first gold Leagues will start for the participants of the Silver Leagues.
And now the clou: The championship in a Silver or Gold League has a normal priority, it eligible for the UC, obtained a champion star and possibly a medal.
The Places 2-5 in the Silver / Gold League entitle to participate in the Galaxy Cup. Starting places are enough available.
Of course, Silver / Gold leagues require appropriate licenses. If you havent one of them (ie, in particular all inventory users), you wont see these leagues.

Have fun!

December Update – KiO 7.0

On Sunday 20 December, KiO 7.0 for Windows and Android will get released.
Even, when the biggest innovation this year was released in October, the „big version jump“ comes now.

Biggest change in this new version will be the display of playing time in years.


Of course, this includes new medals.


In addition, there is a new Item, namely the tactics Almanac. Anyone who buys this item, receives the Cotrainer 12 instead of the usual 5 slots for saving and loading of lineups. This item will be acquirable in the Premium Shop.

Additionally, there is the desired list of the last season champions in the leaderboards.

There will be a new challenge: „Play x matches against Clan mates“.

Have fun!

More Clan Cups!

Next season, we will bring a change to the popular Clan Cups. Currently only available during Happy Hours, they will be played approx. once each hour from early morning to late evening (CET). The interval will be slightly more than 60 minutes, so they won’t interfer with too many league matches.
Additionally, Clan Cups will count 10 instead of 5 points for the clan prestige.
We are sure that this change reflects the relevance of the clan feature.