Archiv der Kategorie: News

KiO 7.4 – 3rd Preview

In this update-preview of KiO 7.4 we would like to introduce you the new Level System! A friendly Reminder: The update appears at the 19. June for Windows Phone and Android.
The level depends directly from the Prestige, with higher and higher jumps the further you progressed, for example Level 10 is achieved with 380 Prestige, Level 20 with 3750 Prestige, Level 30 with 32.000 and Prestige Level 40 with 280.000 Prestige.

kio 7.4 neuer Kopfbereich

New teams will start with the Level 0.
At each level up you get 10 rubies! Store items are bound to the level, as well as the frequency of certain challenges. Beginners will get first level free items per each win. With the new level system the whole game is clear for beginners and for this group of players, there is an additional motivation, each to reach the next level.

Additional Powergamer have no disadvantage, since nothing changes for them, except that they will get at each new level 10 rubies.

Please note that version 7.4 preliminarily not appear for ios. This means that ios users doesnt see levels except in a message at Level-up – but they receive the appropriate rewards rubies.

KiO 7.4 – 2nd Preview

This preview for Update 7.4, which appears at 19.6. for Windows Phone and Android, discusses the innovation of VIP lounges and catering.
This VIP lounges give you with a certain probability in a full-sold Match a „normal“ collectible.
The size and the number of the lounges decide how many collectibles you get.
If you have a activated Catering (available in ruby shop, holding respectively 28 days) you will get special collectible instead of the „normal“ ones!

Have fun!

European Championship 2016 betting game

In a few days the European Championship 2016 starts. You have participated enthusiastically at the World Cup bets two years ago? Then this is the place for you.
Of course this year to win something, look for yourself:
The winner will receive 2 Large Ruby packs while the second- and third-place each get one large ruby-Pack.
Just register here and have fun!

Clan World Cup: Group stage announcement

The clan WC Qualifiers tournaments are complete!
The second round takes place on 11.6 (group 1-16) and 18.6. (Group 17-32). We start-up with League tournaments. They take place in the afternoon. The exact starting times will be announced soon! Look to which group your tournament pass belongs. If you will not fulfill your starting place, a bot takes him.

The 64 winners and runners get access pass to the final tournament, which will be held at 2.7. (afternoon).

Clan World Cup: Group stage announcement weiterlesen

KiO 7.4 – 1st Preview

On June, 19th the KiO 7.4 update will be released for Windows Phone and Android.
One innovation is the mascot or platinum player collectible which will show up wherever also ruby or treasure collectibles do.

For 11 platinum player collectibles you will get … (well, guess!) and for 11 mascot collectibles you get a mascot if you have less than 5 (you keep the collectibles if you already have the maximum of 5 mascots and try to use the collectibles).
Simultaneously, the unloved Mascot challenge will be removed.

Have fun!

6th KiO Birthday

From May 21 we celebrate the 6th KiO Birthday!

You can take part from the 21 to the 28th May at the festivities (more precise: you can enter the birthday cups, where you can gain rubies).
In addition Q100-specialists(!) appear sporadically on the transfer list.

There will be more, pay attention to more news!

New Happy Hour

The most popular of the last featured Happy Hours is now permanently integrated!

Friendship„: +1 (random, simple) Collectible for each friendly match played.

Clan World Cup

Applicable from the 18th May, the Clan World Cup begins
At first, there will be 128 qualifying tournaments. The competition is open for every team that is in a clan and has not won a qualifying tournament.
The 128 winners will qualify for the group stage, held from the 11th June.
So connect now quickly a clan, if not done allready, because there will be nice prizes to win!
From the 2.7. the big final tournament will played in KO mode to crown this year KiO champion, which replaces last year’s winner -DE- Saxons Halla as Clan Cup winner!