Additionally to the new stadiums and the new platinum treasure chest, there will be the following minor changes on saturday’s December Update.
Teams in your clan will be shown in light yellow in the tournament schedule. This is a suggestion from the community.
Also, you wished to reduce the strength of the top bot teams. According to this, all bot teams with strength above 89 will be reduced on saturday evening.
And the last change is an improvement to the analysis function. Starting saturday evening, it will identify and show in the match report two special cases: First if a team won due to header goals and the opponent had no defensive header, second if the loser team had players on wrong positions (like DM on center back positions). You cannot see that from the shown strength value, but it’s often crucial for the result, so it’s important to know.
The app update for Android will be available saturday evening, the Windows version also around that time. Please note one important fact: Stadiums and the platinum chest need to be activated on the server. We will announce this in the ingame newsticker. Please do not purchase Season Packs or exchange 11 treasure collectibles before the announcement if you want platinum chests!
We look forward to this update and we’re sure you’ll like it very much.
Archiv der Kategorie: News
Nikolaus Special
Only today (6th december), the Nikolaus adds 6 random normal collectible cards to any pack purchased! Have a great day!
December Update Preview: New stadiums!
The december update will be published this saturday evening, and it will introduce new stadiums to build!
There will be three new stadiums. All count as level 6 stadiums, so they can be built if you have the Arena (level 5) and have the cash and minimum level (23 or higher).
The threee stadiums can be built alternatively. This means that you can replace one of them by another at any time, of course paying the building cost.
Of course the new stadiums are quite expensive, both in building cost and upkeep, but they not only see more fans, they come with a bonus. The „Blue Arena“ (top) gives you additional collectibles with a certain propability for each home win. The „Top Star Arena“ (above, looks a bit like Wembley) reduces exhaustion for all teams playing there. And the „Temple of Football“ (below) gives you free Rock Concert items with a certain propability.
All those new stadiums are obviously made for power gamers, as their abilities only make sense if you play many many games. But they also look nice on your home screen, and your opponents will of course also see your stadium if they play in it. So there are plenty of reasons to try the new stadiums. Also, since we now have the technical basics, we can add more new stadiums in the future easily. I am sure you will come up with great ideas, and we are looking forward hearing them.
For now, let’s have fun with the next update!
Weekend Special: 3 extra ruby for each pack
Welcome to december! Time for another weekend special!
You already found the advent calendar, did you? Aditionally, this weekend you get +3 free ruby for each purchased pack!
This offer is valid until monday, midnight CET.
Advent Calender
Only 24 days until christmas!
This year Kick it out of course again has the Advent calendar special for you.
You find it in the shop (for only 1 ruby), and you can use it once each day from december 1st to 24th to get a free item.
We wish you a great time!
December Update Preview #1
Welcome to the first december update preview!
KiO 8.6, scheduled for release on december 10th, will be the last but largest update this year.
One important change is this thing here:
Any new treasure chests you get from the date of the update will be platinum! Existing treasure chests remain unchanged until further notice, which means their content also remains unchanged. The new chests may contain one of four items: An improved specialist training which allows you to choose player and specialist, the previously tested Protein Diet Boost for non superstitious players (will give +4 for 5 days, no „best before date“), the well known magic shoes and the Enlightenment boost, but changed to +10. This improves balancing for a) the treasure chest itself because the values of the items inside are better balanced, and b) superstitious players are too strong, so they need to be cut down a bit (by 3 points), while non superstitious players can be improved with the new protein boost. We think that this is good for most of the teams.
Note that all existing items remain unchanged, thus existing Enlightenments stay at +13, existing brown chests keep emitting them, and old specialist training item also remain unchanged. The new ones are marked with „selective“ in your inventory. As always, discontinued items remain unchanged, but will be removed after a couple of months. More information on this will follow next year.
Of course that’s not all. The December update will also bring several minor and three very large improvements – to be undisclosed next week 🙂 See you then!
Weekend Special: No exhaustion in Cups
This weekend is for the lazy. No … for the power players.
The exhaustion in the following tournaments has been set to zero until monday evening: Titan Cup, Platinum Cup, KiO Cups, Amateur Cups.
More playing, less drinking (energydrinks, of course)!
Weekend Special: Protein Boost!
Let’s test a new player boost together this weekend. The protein diet:
This works like any boost, but only non superstitious players will accept it. (Note that you need the latest Android version to display the item correctly. Others will also display it, and it works, but the description will be inaccurate and it will be shown as generic player boost, not as protein diet).
The diet gives the chosen player a boost of +5 for 5 days! Obviously, this is very strong. We are planning to put this item into treasure chests, replacing the career prolongation. This weekend is for judging how you like the new item according to your feedback.
Note the „best before“ date on the diet items. You need to use them before that date on a player. So test it this weekend or next season.
Now for the most important question: Where do you get the protein diet from?
It’s rather simple. It is added to your talent point when you visit the academy. Note that this works only once each day. So if you already activated the academy today, you won’t get the diet. But anyway you’ll get enough to test it. Because the special is running until monday evening, you can get at least 3, and most of you 4 protein diets to test. Note that all existing boost rules apply!
Now have fun with the new items and don’t forget to send your feedback!
Test phase in Collector’s Cup
We just activated a slightly modified version of the simulation in Collector’s Cup matches only. This can result in more surprises but less strange results with many goals.
You’ll understand that we can only do such testings in not so important tournaments, which is why we chose this cup. For the test phase of approx one week, we removed the strength restriction on this cup, so you can enter with any strength.
Weekend Special: No exhaustion in some tournaments
This weekend is for the players! Join as many of the following tournaments as you want, without using any Energy Drinks: Titan League, Platinum League, KiO League, Amateur League, Junior League. (Note that level restrictions still apply.)
Now go out there and play!
This unique special end on monday morning.