Welcome to this issue of KiO Week – and it’s update preview time!
The next update will come on April 29. It’s not a large update (the next one will be). In short, here are the new features:
– Players currently not in your setup, but saved in any assistant coach’s setup, are marked with a new icon
– For newbies with eh … problems with their cash flow, so-called bankruptcy, there will be a new repair worker in the premium shop who repairs all buildings in one go. This worker does nothing on building sites of new buildings!
– Vibration alarm before tournament, league and cup matches (in tournaments, only before the first round match). This allows you for example to join a tournament, then put your device into your pocket, and as soon as you feel the game (ha ha) you know the action kicks off. Also the vibration reminds you about your league matches. This feature of course can be turned off in the profile screen.
Archiv der Kategorie: News
KiO Week Season 389
Oh, no! It’s friday the 13th! Day of bad luck or at least you might believe so. Now, let’s beat that dump random generator this time!
This weekend (starting friday around 8 UTC), you get a free training camp item for each lost surprise match, of course worth 13 strength points each. That will make you feel better and survive the bad luck day.
You know all that stuff: penalties in minute 97 (Real), defenders suddenly forgetting how to defend (Leipzig)… who needs surprises like that?
Well… football does.
Have a great weekend!
KiO Week Season 388
Did you open all eastereggs? If not, so if you have extra eggs, don’t worry: Those will vanish tonight automatically. You can see the validity date of any inventory item if you tap it in your inventory.
I am sure you all noticed that the clan championship has changed in the way that in the last four weeks we had four different winners. So obviously very motivated managers are indeed able to fight for and win the clan championship, be it with a new joint clan, which is of course totally okay.
Have a great weekend!
KiO Week: Happy Easter!
This weekend season 387 will end propably with a great clash in the clan championship, as the new fusion clan JVP battles many-times-champions GVV for the title. And then, there’s of course the Easter Special!
From friday, 10 CEST, until monday, 22 CEST, we will hide easter eggs in the game, or, to be more precise, in certain play actions. You’ll have to find them and collect them. On saturday and sunday, the secret location will change to somewhere else! But we’re sure you’ll collect many many colourful eggs. Whenever you have 5 eggs of one sort, you can activate them in your inventory to get a free item. The egg’s colors vary by rarity, so the golden and striped ones are only rarely found. For example 5 of the striped eggs give you one platinum specialist player contract, so you’ll want to find as many as possible!
Additionally, you get 3 free extra ruby for each pack purchase until monday evening.
Before you start searching for eggs, we’d like to announce the next large update for june this year. You know we’ll celebrate our game’s 8th birthday end of may, then we’ll have the KiO Team Worlcup and of course there’s the real world cup this summer – enough reasons for an exciting update with great new elements, we’re sure you’ll love them. So stay tuned, more on this is to come soon!
A last message from our developer section: The match analysis result „no defensive header“ now actually works at last. We managed to hunt down this bug. So now if the analysis thinks the match result has been influenced by this fact, it will be displayed.
KiO Week: Season 386
Welcome to another episode of KiO Week.
The clan championship looks close, as currently GVV and BMC battle for the win. Of course the leagues aren’t finished, so the best is yet to come.
You propably remember that we had specials previously where anonymous offers of players with strength 100 popped up on the transfer list. We know that quite some players liked those specials (while others simply do not have the cash to buy them), so we are totay making this a permanent feature (until further notice). This means, that starting today, titan specialists with strength 100 will show up on the transfer list randomly, roughly twice a day. Go and get them!
KiO Week: Season 385
Welcome to another issue of KiO Week !
Today we’ll focus on shot qualitites, but before let’s have a look at this weekend’s special: Ah, right, you’ll get 3 extra ruby for each pack purchase!
Now, as you propably know, shot qualities are derived from player strengths. Whenever a player shoots, the shot strength is a number below or above his strength, and on average it’s exactly the strength. That said, there are some modifications. Players on other positions than attackers get a malus. Players with low morale also get a malus. But how to get a bonus?
First, there’s the obvious one: Increase the player’s strength. Either with a boost item or, for superstitious players, using mascots. A striker with strength 120 will produce shots with strength 120 on average!
Second, there are two scenarios where the player gets a bonus: Header specialists get a bonus when fed with crossings. There shot quality also is position independant, so a center back header can also have a high shot strength. And conter ace specialists get a bonus when they finish a counter attack. Note that this bonus is NOT granted during a normal shot. This even applies to shots after deadly passes by playmakers. As you know, playmakers mostly try to reach aces, but the only bonus is that there is no interference by a defender. A playmaker passing to a superstitious striker with high bonus is a good example.
Now, we wish you many great goals!
KiO Week: Season 384
Welcome to another issue of KiO Week, and this week is a close one, especially in the clan championship, where VKV currently is in the lead – but most championships are not finished, so be aware of GVV being only 200 points behind.
You might have noticed that we currently have a troll – a user who constantly registers new teams with well known names (from both reality and the KiO world). Actually he is already banned, but he keeps changing his device ID, so we need to ban him again once he does that. We have no idea what his intent is, but of course you can trust us that we keep such guys out of the game.
News from the simulation
There has actually been a small change which we introduced for testing purposes but it turned out it works well, so we gonna keep it. It’s all about crossing and playmaker specialists. Those guys kept playing crosses and passes even if their team was in the lead as if no goals would have been scored so far. We now aligned this behaviour to that of all other players. This means that once you are in the lead by a couple of goals, say 4:0 or 5:1, the number of crossings and deadly passes played is decreased. This avoids very high results like 7:0 or 8:0 which were actually way too high. Note that close games are not affected at all, only a couple of very high results will vanish.
KiO Week: Season 383
KiO News Thursday Night!?
Yes, because this weekend’s special needs to start on the first day of the new month. It affects the Player Packs: As you know, those contain one guaranteed 100% platinum specialist and one player who normally is far worse and finds himself on the transfer list without ever wearing your team’s colors. This weekend, we are going to replace that player by a secons 100% guaranteed platinum specialist. This special lasts until monday. Please read the pack description closely to make sure you get the pack with the two platinum specialists!
The Validity of Enlightenments
As you know, we found that the +13 enlightenments are a little bit to strong, so we replaced them by +10 versions some time ago. Of course that change would make no sense at all if we kept the old ones forever in the game. So we are going to remove them, but don’t worry: If you still have a couple you have plenty of time to use them. So you might want to add the following information to your calendar:
Old (non platinum) treasure chests will stop spawning +13 enlightenments after march, 31st. On april 1st, all remaining +13 enlightenments will get may 31st as validity date.
In other words: If you want old enlightenments, open your non platinum chests until march, 31st. And you have to use your +13 enlightenments until may 31st. This means that shortly afterwards, the time of +13 bonus for superstitious players will be over. Oh those good times! Well, nowadays headers and crossing players also build a strategy worth trying!
KiO Week: Update 8.7
It’s update weekend!
We already announced the new features of the next version (Android, Windows), but here’s a roundup for you:
When you search the transfer market, you can add a price range. The top lists are extended by a national cup winners list. In the inventory, items of the same type (like mascots) are shown next to each other and sorted by their names. Bad news is, that we close the league chats because of too many people not knowing what the netiquette is. We simply don’t have the human resources to handle all those complaints and discuss with people why a posting was inacceptable. Now the good news, especially for teams not considered absolute top of the world: Starting next season, clan scores are extended from 5 to 8 league places (place 6: 30 points, place 7: 20, place 8: 10). And one last hint: Due to security restrictions introduced by Google, the new version will require Android 4+ and thus will not run on 2.3 or other older versions.
Time for some numbers
Do you like numbers like I do? For example 1729. This is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways: 1729 = 1³ + 12³ = 9³ + 10³. That said, here are even more numbers, more relevant for our game:
Total balance of all active teams: K$ 3.916.151.510.413
Total number of simulated matches: 109.844.848
Size of the server logfile from feb, 21th: 440.522.586 Bytes
Size of the KiO database: ca 777 Gigabytes
RAM size of the KiO server application plus database engine: ca 5,6 GByte
KiO Week: Season 381
Another season is reaching its final stage. The clan championship is still quite open – only 200 points between the first four teams. This will surely change as soon as the first championships are complete.
Let’s have a look at the newbie section! In the Gold league, Lightning United CF is in the lead. This team already made it into a well known clan, OBC. And he already scored 9 clan points. Not bad for a beginner!
The magic 100
This weekend we are again going to add some of the beloved strength 100 specialists to the transfer market. So keep your eyes open, and make sure to bring a towel to wipe up your tears when you see the initial prices. But hey, yes the prices are crazy, but to be honest, what else do you need your billions for? Invest in bitcoins? Ha ha. Better buy that strength 100 cat!
Have a great weekend and may the ball be with you!