Announcement: Kick it out 23

On the occasion of our game’s 13th birthday on 21 May, KiO 23 will be released!

We are expanding the game with interesting aspects and carrying out necessary technical renovations.

New: Monthly specials

There will be monthly Nation Specials, initially alternating between Spain, Italy, England, France and Germany. These are regular knockout tournaments that run several times a day with one special feature: you must setup at least 3 players from the respective country! As special rewards, tournament winners will receive two (final losers one) new collectibles, 11 of which can be exchanged for a top platinum player from the respective country. So it’s worth taking part! There are also new medals for winning nations tournaments. Alongside with this innovation, you will be able to choose new player’s home country when activating rookie contracts in the academy (from a selection).

New: Donate your stock

We know that many of you have hundreds of items in your inventory that you will never use up. Instead of recycling them, you will be able to donate piles of these items. You won’t get anything out of this apart from a new medal, but others will: Ludetis will announce donation goals each time. As soon as a certain number of items has been donated in total by all users, Ludetis will donate a fixed amount of money to a previously announced charity organisation! We will announce the details at the start.

Technical changes

Due to frequent problems with location detection (not only technical, but also due to Google’s complicated data protection regulations) and the impractical mechanisms on the device, we will in future only carry out location tracking on the server side. For this purpose, your IP number will be evaluated – an inaccurate but technically unproblematic procedure. We will only know the city you are in (sometimes even this is only approximately correct) – but this is sufficient for our needs, firstly to check in which RegioCup you belong and secondly to check for multi-account abuse (done only in case of suspicion). Other changes concern bug fixes and the updating of components that the game needs. Such things are not visible to the outside world, but unfortunately cause a lot of work. Therefore, even more innovations in this update are not possible. We ask for your understanding.

We are looking forward to the big update with you and are working hard to make it a fun experience!