Earth League started

The new Earth League is now open for registration!

This league is playing with reduces rock-paper-scissors influence (roughly 70 percent odds to win with correct counter formation in contrast to 80 percent in other matches).

If you like to test this configuration first, check out the Birthday Cup we just started. It’s played once an hour (roughly a quarter past each hour) in the same low tactical mode as Earth League.

Why Birthday?

Well, Kick it out celebrates its 9th birthday on May, 21st. So the Birthday Cup will be held until this date!

Change in support

As of july 1st, we are changing our support concept. Our Community Manager Manuel has finished his studies and has a full time job, so he will leave us end of june. The rest of the Ludetis team will take over, mostly lead developer Uwe will answer your questions.


Starting end of May, another instance of the KiO World Cup will be held. The largest tournament in our game will start with qualifiers, followed by a group phase and a final elimination tournament. More information later this month!

While the next regular KiO update is still not scheduled, we can already announce that it will support Egypt as additional country to choose from.