Welcome to another year, to another year of Kick it out action!
The year just has started, but we already have the first important change due this weekend.

As already announced, we are going to adjust the simulation slightly according to the results of our survey about the stone-scissors-rock system. The importance of the corrently guessed counter formation will be reduced in a way that it makes up around 9-13 points of team strength instead of up to 25 which is currently the case (i.e. for 442-541). This is an important wish by roughly counted 75 percent of the community and so it’s an easy choice for us. Please allow some days for the change to be adjusted. We will start the adjustment with an initial parameter change this saturday (late evening CET) and then observe the actual live values, and, if needed, adjust further in the days following.
Please take your time to see if the adjusted simulation suits you. If not, consider to move into a league with tactical emphasis (i.e. World League) where the counter formation is weighted strongly. Which brings us to the next topic:
Leagues Reorganisation
We are taking the opportunity to make the league system more transparent. From january 13th, we are going to have continental tactical leagues (Asia, America, Africa, Europe, World) and all national leagues will be normal. The latter only affects Belgium which will be switched from tactical to normal. Belgish teams preferrring to play tactical can move to World League or the new Europe league without hassle.
The reorganisation also affects Northern and East Europe league which both will be joined to the new Europe League. All teams finishing Northern and East Europe league will receive licenses for the new Europe League automatically! We do not expect this to become a problem because propably less than 16 teams with licences will want to join the new Europa League. But just in case: If you want to play there, make sure you join the league early. We will notify you in the newsticker!
Season Pack
We have a new Season Pack since january, 1st: The Season Pack Winter 19.

It contains a strength 100 header specialist with +7 worldstar boost attached (worldstar boosts are reduced by 1 each weekend). Note that those players are either center backs or attackers, no midfielders!
It strongly depends on your feedback (and purchases!) what will happen next to the season pack, so make sure you give us a note!