KiO 6 Preview #3 – Rare Items

A week has passed, it follows the next preview for KiO6.
Today is, as you’ve probably recognized in the heading about rare items. Rare items will receive it by opening a treasure chest.

Currently there are three Rare Items: The enlightenment, the powerfeed and the rock concertnow sequence.

The new items:

The Prolongation: With this item you can procrastinate the pension of one player by one year, which is in the end of his career (he had to announcemented his wish to go to pension). You can do this until the player is 36 years old. You can move the End of career, on some players three times, on others not at all, and a total of not more than career end of the 38th birthday.

The Specialist Training: Change a random Normalo to a random specialist.

Let’s talk about the revisions:

The rock concert add 1% of your total prestige as a bonus for hosting the concert. (Max up to 100 prestige).

The enlightenment is limited to 125 strength.

Last but not least power feed will be a normal item that you can purchase via the in-game shop.

In the near future we will announce more new features, so follow us on Facebook, our forum or here so you miss nothing!