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Clan tournaments May

Also in this month there will be clan tournaments!

Clanturniere Medallie

Here are the rules.

1. To participate, a clan has to be listed on the official clans page in the wiki.
2. Each clan who wants to participate defines an organizer.
3. The organizer contacts our community manager Manuel using kik, pn or ingame feedback until next sunday, april 6th. This adds his clan to the list of participating clans.
4. Until may 29th, the organizer sends the names of winner and runner-up to the community manager.
5. We will award all winners with two special packs and runners-up with one special pack. Furthermore, the winner gets the silver Clan Cups Achievement (you need 10 clan cups for gold and 100 for platinum).
6. Winner and runner-up qualify for the great clan cup final tournament which will take place during this year’s world cup in brazil. The winner of the final tournament gets a special prize.

One more clan tournament will participated in june. Of course each clan may participate each month in order to send as many winners to the finals as possible.

Clan Tournament April Winner

The winners of the Clan Tournaments from April are determined. Congratulations to:

S.U.K Peanuts for monkeys
-DE- SaXonS HaLLa
1. BMC Berlin 09
-RSG- FC Lions 12
WSW FC Stubbi Mendig I KL
-EMF- Red Devil
-FR- Dodo Volant de Bordeaux

You have won 2 free extra packs and are qualified for the main round, which runs during the World Cup.

April Update

The April Update appears on Android at the 04/27/2014, next Sunday.
Updates for the other platforms include only corrections, not the three major innovations.

First of all, Slot Machine, which buy in -game store to buy cheap .

Slot Maschine

  • It always appears when you press the kick-off whistle and waiting for the opponent doin the same. (This is important: There won’t be a delay because of this method, only the boring waiting time is removed!)
  • You can play up to 5 rounds with this Slot Machine (free of charge). If the game starts before, correspondingly less.
  • You can win the new Trading Cards, when three appear in a row (on the middle part there are colorful joker). If you have 11 Trading Cards, they can be exchanged for some items.
  • There are 5 different Trading Cards in decreasing order of frequency. The rarest is it the purple one.
  • You can exchange each 11 Trading Cards for items. The rarer the Trading Card, the more valuable items can you receive.

  • No one should feel compelled to play Slot Machine. It is a feature of bridging the waiting time. No one can or should get a great advantage by using the Slot Maschine.
  • You can get the Trading Cards in May also by purchasing packs and playing the first match of the day as a part of a special like this month the eggs.

Second – and this is a small revolution – SponsorPay :


  • In the shop you can now buy rubins for items that are only in packs.
  • You’ll get the rubins on SponsorPay by clicking on the „Get“ button. Then you can choose whether you would like, for example, try a game or app (there are about 20 different offers from different species). After a short time you’ll get a certain number of rubies. There are no cost for you; SponsorPay is paying your items.
  • In this way, players who dont want to buy any packs for real money or aren’t able to(as in foreign countries) or may not ( Kids). In addition, you don’t have to buy a whole Pack, if you only need relocations.

Rules change effective april 13th

Due to continued criticism we are going to change the rules to morale and tactics on April 13th as follows.

  • Regular morale change each 333 minutes instead of 2 hours. You will keep some of your morale points until the next day.
  • Lowest morale will be 0 and not -10
  • You can gain a morale point with a certain propability each time you win a game dependant on the strength difference of you and your opponent and match type (Friendly/tournament/league). This propability is increased if you have a motivator in the game. Additional motivators are redundant. The activation button will be removed, as you get your morale point immediatelyl
  • Won tournament +1 (no change)
  • Mascot effect (no change)
  • No more morale -5 if you sell or kick a motivator. This rule is already in place.
  • +10 for championship or qualification for a higher league, -10 for relegation as before. Note though that even -10 will not lower your morale below 0.
  • Risk of morale loss if a player plays in a low class tournament (no change)
    • Furthermore we are going to reduce the influence of the paper-scissors-rock system to roundabout 40:60 ~ 45:55. This means that morale, better players or coach actions will have more influence than choosing the counter tactics. Nobody shall feel forced to be online just before a match starts.

      While these changes are all server-side only, there will be an intermediate update for all systems in the next days reflecting the changes in the ingame rules texts.

      We are sure that this changes will bring back a lot of fun many gamers state to have lost in the last weeks.

No more motivator morale decrease

We are going to change the morale rules in the near future in a way that only one motivator is needed (but gives more morale points).
Because of this we just deactivated the rule which causes morale decrease whenever a motivator leaves a team. You are now free to sell or to kick a motivator from your team without losing morale.
More about the forthcoming improvement to morale rules will follow.

Clan Cups in April

We are now starting the official Clan Tournaments!

Here are the rules.

1. To participate, a clan has to be listed on the official clans page in the wiki.
2. Each clan who wants to participate defines an organizer.
3. The organizer contacts our community manager Manuel using kik, pn or ingame feedback until next sunday, april 6th. This adds his clan to the list of participating clans.
4. Until april 27th the participating clans play the tournaments. It’s up to you how you do that. Obviously only members of a clan are allowed to join a clan tournament. Please make schedules and results available either here on the forum or on your clan homepage if you have one.
5. Until april 27th, the organizer sends the names of winner and runner-up to the community manager.
6. We will award all winners with two special packs and runners-up with one special pack. Furthermore, the winner gets the silver Clan Cups Achievement (you need 10 clan cups for gold and 100 for platinum).
7. Winner and runner-up qualify for the great clan cup final tournament which will take place during this year’s world cup in brazil. The winner of the final tournament gets a special prize.

Two more clan tournaments will follow during may and june. Of course each clan may participate each month in order to send as many winners to the finals as possible.

If you would like to join (or to establish) a clan, please read about the topic on the wiki.


In a few days ( on 30 March), the March update for all platforms ( plus / minus a few days) appears.

There will be some simplifications for beginners again in the first place. So most of the functionality of coach and scout ( eg tactic selection, starting auctions) are shifted to the base game. The coach gives only the coach actions and the Scout only Matchmaking. In addition, the training minigame for players of lower classes will be much easier.

For professionals, more interesting are the following improvements:

  • if you have a coach sweater, the coach doesn’t wear the sweater, a hint in the Team Information box on the home page appears.
  • if you have a debt certificate and enough money to repay him, a hint in the Team Information box on the home page appears.
  • if you have no intact squad (eg due to a player withdrawal), an icon with a corresponding warning appears after some time in the status bar.
  • Parameters Scout-search get finally stored
  • Larger fonts in League Schedule
  • In preparation for the clan Tournaments the Clan Cup medal is already installed .
  • And the best for last : You are not longer forced to use the pre-match-screen during a tournament, there will be a little pop-up in the bottom to use it

P. S. Here’s a little view : the new tournament Screen

Improving 5-4-1

Some of you were very smart and found a 4-4-2 variant which regularly has better stats against 5-4-1 than desired.
We must change this to secure the rock-paper-scissors system which is in place since the february update and works pretty well.
We will improve 5-4-1 in the way that you can use of man-to-man-marker specialists. As there are no „gaps“ to fill in 5-4-1, they will act as improved defenders against the opponent’s attacks. This means that 5-4-1 gets less goals when you use man-to-man-markers.

The new rock-paper-scissors stats are as follows (as always not taking ties into account):

442-541 40:60
541-343 30:70
343-442 35:65

Those values can vary by roughly 5 percent if you or your opponent play different variants.

The additional tactics end up as follows:

433-541 20:80
4231-343 30:70
424-541 10:90

You see that each formation has at least one counter formation. So don’t forget to check your next opponent’s preferred formation and change. This can really make a difference!

The changes will be applied sunday, march 16th, early morning, and will also be edited into our Wiki.