Archiv der Kategorie: News

Happy Birthday, Kick it out!

Today, five years ago, Kick it out! 1.0 was published on Android Market. Today we are celebrating this birthday with one free present for each forth match you play from 10 CEST to midnight!

KiO started of as one of the first multiplayer football managers for Android. The first version supported friendlies, tournaments (including Universe Cup), kit colors, mascots and superstitious players (still, no other manager game we know of does have this) and the coach. He was available in the Coach Pack alongside with an Action Pack containing training camps, players and other items.

We came a long way from there, and we as a tiny independent company are proud to see our game still being played and respected. Of course we’re going to continue our task to create the best possible, most funny and possibly hardest ever football manager game together with you, the community. So let’s see how KiO looks in another 5 years. But now, have a look at a screen from 2010.


Now, let’s celebrate and play, play, play, have fun, because that’s what the game is for, what we’re working for!

Thanks for being with us.

May update

May update for Android is live since sunday, may 24th.

This is a small update which brings mainly bugfixes and small adjustments.

Also, it shows your specialist rating on the setup screen.

The specialist rating calculation will change with the update as follows: The goalkeeper always counts for 0 to 1 rating points (0 if he is not a cat) and all other players will count for 0 to 4 rating points. This means you cannot reach a specialist rating of 5 if you have no cat. This change is done because the previous formula caused some misunderstandings.

Furthermore, we will remove the rock concert from treasure chests.

5 years Kick it out!

On the 27th of may 2010, we published Kick it out! 1.0 on the Android Market. In those 5 years many things happened, and we are still here!

We are celebrating our birthday with several specials, and from today (11 CEST) to 30th of may midnight, there’s more: For each purchased pack, you get 3 ruby extra, and in the shop you’ll find the first pack which is available for ruby: The Jubilee pack containing 5 players (2 platinum) and 20 rookie points.

Let’s have another (at least) five years together!

2015 Clan Cups!

We are about to start this year’s round of the KiO Clan Cups. Here’s how it works:

Until may 25th, send a message to stating that your clan wants to participate, and list up to 8 teams (if your clan has more teams, it’s up to your clan to define which 8 teams may participate). We will then create groups of four (if possible only one team per clan in each group). Then you have one week to play two friendly matches against each other team in your group. You can organize this using forum or instant messaging, it’s up to you. Report results in our new forum thread. All group winners and runners-up will participate in the elimination rounds, and the winner of the finals will be the new KiO Clan World Champion! Also, all points will be calculated for all clans, and the clan with most points is the 2015 Top KiO Clan! Of course there will be hugeprice payouts for all winners (details soon).

If you want to participate but are not member of a clan: Visit our wiki, have a look at the clans list, and ask the leader to become a member (you can also do this in our forum as most clans have a thread there).

If you want to participate and set up a new clan: Visit our wiki and check the preconditions (i.e. you need 5 teams to found a clan), then contact our community manager at and we’ll do the rest.

Now have fun in the 2015 KiO Clan Cups and let’s find who’s the best!

Special Bot Cup

Today we have a new special cup for you: A cup which is automatically filled with bot teams immediately when you join it. The system selects bot teams with similar strength as yours. Now you know why we adjusted some bot team’s strengths a couple of days ago. FC Null Brasil now plays with strength 110! But without many specialists, so it is still beatable. Hint: Bot teams never change formations. Note that none of the strong bot teams will join any league. You might still meat them in Platinum tournaments which have to be filled up. By the way all strong bot teams now also have larger stadiums.
Test the bot cups! Test formations or just run a bot cup when you have no time to wait for a real tournament to start. Bot cups start nearly instantly.
Now have fun winning against out new bots!

News from Pferdburg

Starting today, we improved several bot teams like Ross Pferdburg and FC Ballermann. While none of those teams got stronger than 83, this will definitely change in the near future. We won’t undisclose the reason, but believe us, we have a one and it’s quite cool. We’re sure you’ll also master BV Berti at strength 50, so go on!
By the way, stadium sizes of some bot teams have also been increased, which guarantees more income when you play on their pitch. Nice, eh?

April update

April Update (6.4.0) is now available for Android.

It brings:
New item magic shoes, making a random player both footed
New item surprise pack, available in the shop during some happy hours
New coach action Veto, cancelling active challenges once a day
Icons flashing above academy or office if available

We also now have happy hours in the morning and around noon (CET).

April update: New coach action

April update brings a new coach action. It’s called „Veto“ and cancels the currently active challenge. This works only once a day, but allows you to get rid of the most annoying challenge of your choice.

The April update comes on sunday 26th of april, and it also introduces other stuff, just stay tuned!

Simulation Adjustment

Saturday night (after the Universe Cup), we are going to do an adjustment to the simulation. Laboratory values propose that the surprise rate will drop from 16 to below 10% globally. Also, the paper-scissors-rock rates will change to roughly 30:70 (currently 20:80).
Please understand that due to the complexity of the adjustment, it might happen that we need to do additional adjustments during the following days to reach the desired goals.
Support us in bringing our game to a lower random influence, which is the one thing most managers desire most.
Thank you!