Archiv der Kategorie: News

Easter Special Announcement

With each collective image, which is obtained with the Slot Machine, there is the 25% probability of a free Easter egg.
The content of Easter eggs corresponds to that of surprises.


Enjoy egg hunting!

KiO 7.2 Preview

With this update there will be a medal for Clan Championships.
For technical reasons, the existing will not retroactively counted, but only those which are achieved after the update.

Stay tuned!

Special: Cold Comfort

Oh no! Another lost surprise! *throws phone at wall*


Well, this weekend brings at least some cold comfort in form of a small and very special Special:

Whenever you lose a match due to a surprise (according to the match analysis) you get a random collectible (one of those with faces).

As most teams have roughly 10 percent surprisingly lost matches (bad luck), that’s at least 1 collectible each 10 matches, or 10 in 100!

Now have fun not throwing your device at the wall but collecting collectibles all over the weekend!

Special Silver Pack

Available until march 14 we offer the Special Silver Pack containing FOUR GUARANTEED young specialist players with max strength of up to 70 (silver category). Go and get it!

KiO 7.2 Preview

With this update we will introduce you the new tactic: 3-5-2.
There is a second „paper-tactics“, which is stronger than 343 because it produces fewer goals and thus fewer surprises against counterattack tactics.
In addition, 352 is better suited to the label „controlled defensive“, which should always represent the paper tactics.
The exact release date is not fixed yet.

Have fun!

More rematches!

After the first live test we can definitly say: Most of you who like the return matches in knockout tournaments, because they reduce the risk of unfortunate Knockouts and increase at the same time the excitement.
Therefore the regio cups will get the rematches at sunday 03/06/2016. Additionall the Universe Cup will get the rematches too, the adjustment will happen at the 03/12/2016.

Have fun!

KiO 7.1 Preview

We introduce a trial basis on league chats.
For test purposes means we suspect that there might be some disputs.
But since we can nor want to moderate this chats, we have to watch how the people, you, behave in the league chats.
Should the attempt fail, we switch them off.


This has never happened before in Kick it Out: rematches!
To test we play tonight the Collector Cup in a knockout system with home and away matches (and European Cup rule of course!).
Back to Back matches reduce the influence of luck, because you can catch an unlucky defeat in the second match.
We wish much excitement!

This feature can not be used on Winphone-7, because this version isnt anymore developed.

Special Silver Pack


Bisher haben wir den Inhalt des Special Packs ab und an angepasst, dies barg jedoch ein gewisses Verwechslungsrisiko.
Dies werden wir nun ändern.
Demnächst gibt es das Special Platin Pack und das Special Silver Pack im Wechsel, jeweils mit Platin- bzw. Silber-Spielern.

Viel Spaß beim Spielen!

Description change of the clan challenge

To avoid possible misunderstandings, we change the description of the clan challenge as follow:

Play x matches against a clan mate. Reward: 2x Special collectible

„Special collectible“ are (presently) either Ruby or treasure chests collectible cards.

Have fun!