Yes, we know that you like the elephant mascot. Alas, you can only have one. You are not a zoo, after all.
So we added more elephants as a different item:
These are +3 boost items, and magically they can be found in treasure chests throughout this whole weekend (this also applies to chests you already have). All well known boost rules apply!
Now have fun with your new elephants!
Archiv der Kategorie: News
Weekend special: Get your elephant
It’s Africa Cup of Nations!
Starting this weekend until the end of the Africa Cup, instead of the Golden Goal mascot you get the Elephant mascot which was only available 6 years ago during the 2010 world cup:
Note that this mascot behaves exactly like the Golden Goal, giving a bonus of +5 for superstitious players, it just looks different. You can get it if you don’t own a Golden Goal and swap 11 shamrock collectibles until the end of this special (final day of Africa Cup).
Announcing a change to clan scores
To make the clan championship more interesting for a higher number of managers, we are going to introduce a small change to clan scores (for top 11 and classical clan championship) starting with the next season as follows:
- The Clan Cup size will be doubled because currently the tournaments are filled very fast and some teams fail to participate, and the score is doubled to 20/10.
- In Clan Cups, Galaxy Cups and Universe Cups, the second place will be rewarded with half the score as the first place.
We will closely monitor if these changes make the top11 clan championship more interesting.
By the way: You can still send emblem ideas for our special until end of january! See the last news.
Special: More Emblems!
Dragon, eagle, Currywurst – it’s just not enough! You want more emblem styles to choose from, and, yes, we can do this.
Unfortunately we are totally uncreative like a deflated ball in the desert. Please help us! Not for free of course.
Until end of january, send us your ideas. Send hand-painted sketches, perfectly drawn patterns, images from the web (provided they have a public domain license) or simply descriptions of designs you’d like to see in emblems (or even a basic emblem form itself). We are going to include the best ideas into the next update, and among all participants, we raffle 11 ruby packs.
Send your entry by email to support(at) with the subject „Emblems“. Please note the following technical details if you want to create a ready-to-use image: 320×400 pix, PNG format with transparency and black and white colors only (the game changes the white to your selected team color automatically, black remains black and transparency remains transparency). Do not include stars, they are added automatically.
We are very curious about what you’ll come up with!
Weekend special: Winter in Africa
While in Germany all matches have been cancelled due to heavy snowfall, the Africa Cup of Nation is gonna start. This brings of course a new special: You find a limited young african player with strength up to gold or platinum with 25 percent specialist chance in the premium shop until monday evening (it’s the first entry on the shop).
Ah, just kidding about the cancelled matches. But if you want to see how Germany looks right now, get and install version 8.0.5 from Google Play.
Now build a snowman or get your african players – your choice! Have a great weekend!
Revealing first news about the next update
The next update will be published on the last sunday of february.
The first thing we’d like to announce is that we will introduce new Happy Hours. We can’t disclose the details yet, but some will give you talent points or ruby. So stay tuned for more exciting information about the next update, and our forthcoming weekend specials.
No more sub clans
During the last days, there were indication of potentially manipulated matches between members of the clans RU and RU.PP. To those who don’t know: RU.PP was a sub clan of RU with 5 members, solely created to fight for the classical clan championship. We always were in doubt if this is really a good idea, but until yesterday, we tolerated it.
Then we found a suspicious high number of cup matches between RU and RU.PP where the RU team played the „wrong“ formation. Normally, this is not considered manipulation. But the matches were many, and the circumstances different. Because of this, we closed the RU.PP clan yesterday. Even if the suspicious matches were not arranged (which the involved claim): Nobody wants that swearing, nobody wants to be named a cheater, and we as Ludetis don’t want to be named idiots who tolerate manipulation right before their eyes. This left us no other choice than to close the sub clan and prohibit the foundation of other sub clans from now on. Note that while the RU.PP clan has been removed, the members did not get yellow cards, because we considered that duplicate penalty. Alas, there were some yellow cards for insults following the decision.
You might now ask: What about PRO and SP? Aren’t they also clan and sub clan? We discussed that yesterday with the clan founders and in our team and came to the conclusion, that PRO and SP shall be considered separate clans. They split up long ago and even see each other as competition. SP has more than 5 members (5 is the ideal size if you want to go for the classical championship) and there is no indication of manipulated matches between PRO and SP. To make the separation transparent, the clan description of SP has also been changed. Thus, PRO and SP stay.
Please be aware that fair play and a peaceful intercourse in the whole community is important for us and for the game as a whole. I think we made the right decision, even if it was painful for some teams, but below the line good for the game. Note that whenever you think somebody plays unfair, or if somebody insults you, do not hesitate to contact us using an ingame message or mail. We check each case and act if we need to. We think that fair play is really important for any multiplayer game. We are confident you agree.
Weekend special: Strength 100 players
Until monday, the server will add random players with strength 100 to the transfer list as auctions. Of course they are not cheap, so only the wealthiest teams will be able to afford them. This time there will be other specialists than before, for example you could even find superstitous players with strength 100 on the list.
Happy bidding!
The solution
Here’s the correct solution for our christmas competition:
The right answer was c) 9900 different teams won a KiO Platinum Cup until last christmas.
Now, are you the next one?
Stay tuned for more competitions later this month and for specials each weekend!