Archiv der Kategorie: News

New challenges in may update

Promised! More suggestions by YOU will be added in the may update.

To be precise: There will be 4 more challenges: Increase your level (beginners only), win x prestige (x depends on your level), reach x morale (only if you have low team morale) and win x matches with a specific formation (platinum challenge, so teams below level 30 will get it rarely).

Stay tuned for more infos about the update each day this week!

Clan Medals

Only a few days left until the 7th KiO birthday and the next great update!

Starting next season, we will award CLAN MEDALS für places 1-3 in the clan championship, AND also for place 1 in the „new clans“ scoreboard! So found a new clan now, or join an existing new clan, to battle for the first BEST NEW CLAN medal!

Note that clan medals are like trophies, but they belong to the clan and not to teams and are thus displayed on the clan screen.

More information about the next update follows shortly! And, no, it’s not all about clans!

Special: Ethics Cup

Propably you didn’t miss what happened this week to some clowns from the FIFA Ethics Committee who dared to critisize something: They got kicked.

As that ethics committee is obviously meaningless, we are going to play a meaningless cup this weekend. Well, not totally meaningless. You get 25 prestige for participating. And nothing else. You can even cheat in this cup and try to lose as soon as possible. No ethics clown will be heard. The Ethics Cup will take place each 60 min at daytime until sunday evening. We are sure it won’t be fun!

Afterwards, back to business: Next week we are going to publish the hot news about the forthcoming Clan Challenges. That’ll be cool!

May Update

The next update for Kick it out will be released on may 21st (which is by the way the 7th birthday of Kio).

The new update will finally bring then Clan Challenges, but we didn’t finish the details yet, so we’ll inform you about that in a couple of days.

The other improvements are based on suggestions from the community! Here they come:

  • Trophy for clan championship place 1, 2 and 3. These are CLAN trophies, shown in the clan window, not the team screen.
  • Several new team challenges
  • Search for non-specialists on the transfer list
  • Increasing the players limit from 36 to 40
  • Shortened waiting time before friendlies

Stay tuned for more information about the update in the next days.

SPECIAL: Collectible Weekend

This weekend, you get 1 random standard collectible for each tournament you play (except Bot Cups, until sunday evening).

Furthermore, we did a slight change to the happy hour tournaments Rock Cup and Collector Cup: The min strength has been removed, and both now have a random max strength to improve the chances for beginners.

And next week, we’ll start with the next update previews! Remember that end of this month, we’ll celebrate the 7th KiO birthday, so stay tuned!


This weekend, we have a unique special for you: The KANG CUP. If you don’t know who the player named Ye Kang is, you propably play KiO for less then 3 years. It’s this guy:

He still is the all time best player of the KiO universe, which was only possible stacking lots of „old“ enlightenment items.

Anyway, now it’s time to remember him, the best KiO player, who retired nearly 3 years ago, and we celebrate this with the KANG CUP.

Join a KANG CUP any time from today til monday. The top team will receive a Kang Collectible, 11 of which can be swapped for a silver (Level 14 and lower) or gold player contract.

The cups are held in league mode with 4 teams each at daytimes and most have random maximum strength to allow lower tier teams to participate and win.

Have fun with Kang!

New: Special Item Pack

From now on, you find the Special Item Pack in our shop. It contains a huge amount of 44 blue energy drinks!

(Notice: Update to version 8.1.7 to see the correct image. Even if you don’t, the content of the pack is 44 blue ED.)

Easter Special!

Find all eggs!

From friday to monday (8-24 CEST), you can get eastereggs for playing, for example for playing matches or participating in tourmanents… figure it out for yourself!
But after a couple of hours, the action changes and you have to figure out again how to get eggs.

There are eggs in six colors, and once you have collected FIVE of one color, you can activate it and get a free item. Rare colors give better items.
Note that all eggs will be removed from inventories a couple of days after easter. So make sure you activate your 5-of egg packs in time! Piles of less than 5 eggs of one color are useless once the special ends.

Now have fun and make sure you find all those eggs!

Weekend Special: Collectibles

Collect collectibles until you can wallpaper your offices with them!

Get a random collectible card (player faces like those you get from the slot machine) for each 5 matches you play from friday morning until monday evening!

SPECIAL: Spring Cup

Spring time!

Join the Spring Cup this weekend! Winners and Runners-up get surprises!

The tournaments are run in league mode with 8 teams each until monday evening and have random strength limits to give beginners a chance. Have fun!