This year’s KiO World Cup will start this friday with qualifier tournaments!
There will be 128 qualifier tournaments in total, launching each 30 minutes for 9 days between 14h and 21h (CEST), running until next week. You can play as many qualifiers as you want, until you win one of course 🙂
The group phase will be held on june 24 in the afternoon, and the final tournament on july 1st.
Stay tuned for more information, and check out our teaser video on our Facebook page!
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SPECIAL: Tactical tournaments
This weekend, we are playing 1 out of 4 tournaments wich paper-scissors-rock emphasis („tactical“)!
Watch out for the PSR symbol in the tournament lounge:
We are going to evaluate afterwards how many teams preferred the tactical cups, and maybe make this an ongoing feature.
Also, your feedback is welcome! Do you like tactical tournaments or not?
Clan challenges adjustes
As of tomorrow, we adjusted some clan challenges to higher target values because we found that they were too easy.
Furthermore, the displayed percentage is now limited to 200%, which means that the clan challenge stops counting once you reached this value. Further counting does not make any sense, as there is no further reward for higher values.
Stay tuned this week for more information, for example about this year’s KiO World Championship which is due to start in early June!
SPECIAL: Extra ruby for cup winners
This weekend, whenever you win any tournament (except Bot Cups), you get 2 free ruby on top!
Furthermore, we adjusted two of the new challenges (collect prestige and win with a certain formation). By the way, are you aware that matches against bots count towards challenges? This is also true for the certain formation challenge. I’m sure FC Ballermann can’t wait to be beaten up with 424, hu?
Have a great sunny weekend!
Your Kick it out Support
7 Jahre Kick it out!
Heute vor 7 Jahren erschien Kick it out 1.0 für Android!
Wir freuen uns über Gratulationen auf unserer Facebook-Seite! Postet Bilder, Videoclips oder einfach eine Botschaft. Die coolsten kriegen morgen ein Stück übrig gebliebenen Kuchen! (oder ein anderes Item unserer Wahl. Damit das funktioniert, müsst ihr euren Teamnamen angeben!).
Falls ihr uns was schenken wollt, freuen wir uns natürlich am meisten über gute Bewertungen bei Google Play.
Und jetzt feiert schön und lasst uns anstoßen auf unser Spiel!
Update news wrapped up
Large update – let’s wrap it all up!
- New Titan Cup and Titan League for top teams
- Platinum Cup and League have strength limit of 99
- KiO Cups B and A have level limits of 25 and 30. KiO League remains open!
- Clan championship medals for places 1-3 and the best newcomer clan
- Solve daily clan challenges together to score 30 points (or 90 if you manage to double-fulfil it) for the clan championship
- 4 new challenges: level up (for beginners only), win x prestige, reach x morale, win x times with a certain formation
- maximum squad size 40 instead of 36
- Delay before friendly matches start has been reduced
- Minor improvements
Most of these improvements have been done because of suggestions from YOU, the community!
Thanks for playing and celebrate with us today the 7th Birthday of our game!
Starting sunday: The Titan Cup
As promised, here comes the last new feature of the forthcoming update – the Titan Cup!
This tournament will be played regularly in the future, both as Cup and League, and has been made for those top teams with strength above 99. Of course the new cup gives you prestige, payout and clan score, and there also is a new achievement about winning Titan Cups.
Of course this only makes sense if we do some changes to the existing tournaments, too. The Platinum Cup and League will be limited to teams with strength 99 – better chances to win for platinum teams! Also, the KiO Cups A and B will be limited to Level 30/25 to ensure that beginner and advanced teams do not face powergamer teams all the time.
We’re sure you’re as excited as we about the new Cup and the whole update. It all starts on sunday!
And, by the way, there’s a short teaser video on our facebook page. Like and share it!
7 Years of KiO Birthday Specials!
This sunday Kick it out celebrates its 7th birthday!
Why not start the celebration TODAY?
So, today you receive one free collectible for each tournament you play.
But that’s not all. We also added bonus items to the Player and Booster pack. Check this out: The Player pack contains an additional 100% platinum specialist and a rare collectible, and in the Booster pack we doubled the amount of rookie points and also added one of those special collectibles.
Let the celebration begin!
Clan Challenges
Sunday’s update will bring the all new clan challenges!
Each active clan with more than 1 team will get one challenge each day. They will be running from midnight to midnight (CEST).
There will be three different challenges for a start, presented in a loop: Win against teams of other clans, win tournaments, and simply: play matches.
The challenge amount depends solely on your clan’s position in the last season’s championship! This means that it’s hardest for the best clan, and not so hard for others. That said, each challenge has a minimum amount below place 5 or 6, because „play 1 match“ for place 20 or so would be no challenge at all.
All clan members sum up for the clan challenge! If you solve it, you score 30 points for the championship!
But that’s not all. In contrast to the team challenges, you can exceed the required amount, and if you reach 200%, you score another 60 points!
This way, if you would reach 200% fulfilment each day, you could earn 7 times 30+60 points – that’s 630! Of course that’ll be not that easy. But it is certainly achieveable, depending on your clan’s commitment.
Note that to win the clan championship, you would have needed roughly 1500-2500 points during the last season. With many solved clan challenges you can climb up in the ranking considerably! Also, as the challenges are rather easy for beginner clans, it’s worth to fight for the new best beginner clan medal which is also introduced with the update!
All information about the clan challenges will also be added to the wiki.
Tomorrow, we’ll undisclose the last remaining improvement this large birthday update brings!
More news about the update
So, on sunday we’re updating the server.
Actually, we already did this today, but the changes are not yet visible to you 😉
We’re going to bring live two more changes based on suggestions from YOU, the community.
First thing is that we increase the limit of players in your team from 36 to 40. This way you could have three teams (platinum, gold, silver) easily plus extra players.
Second thing is: You’ll be able to search for non-specialist players on the transfer market. Easy enough – the server was able to do that anyway, just the option was missing in the search window.
At last, tomorrow we are going to tell you more about the clan challenges!