Carnival Special
It’s Karneval in Germany, but enjoy the Carnival Special around the world wherever you are! Start the carnival challenge by drinking beer during training (if you have no challenge). You can either win a surprise or a jester’s hat which is a small player boost with time restriction. Those boosts you can also get as pack purchase bonus this weekend! The Carnival Special runs until tuesday, midnight.
Clan Championship
Currently BMC has the lead in the clan championship, but it’s not over until it’s over 😉 We’d like to take this opportunity to unveil a small change for the next update: League positions down to place 8 will get clan score points. We think this is a good thing for smaller clans. Details on this topic will follow.
Archiv der Kategorie: News
KiO Week: Season 379
Season 379 is coming to an end, and don’t say it’s boring. In Germany, a team named Didiziti leads and could win his first champions title ever. The main rival is well-known FC Flummi 1909 Let’s see who will make it!
Some time ago we changed the random control algorithm of the simulation. Of course we monitored the figures of all matches and found that the rate of surprises still is at 8 percent, sensations at 1 percent. Also, the stone-scissors-rock ratios still show desired values, so guessing the correct counter formation makes up roughly 10 points of strength difference.
The next update is scheduled for end of this month. It will bring a couple of minor improvements and suggestions from the community which waited for some time. We will add a list of recent league cup winners to the top lists, we will fix the sorting in the inventory (making mascots appear one above another) and add an option to restrict transfer market searches to K$ thresholds.
More is to come, but for now have a great weekend and a successful season final!
Weekend Special and Change to Simulation
Enjoy another ruby weekend!
Get 3 free ruby for each pack purchase until monday evening.
Furthermore, this sunday we will change the surprise control algorithm of the simulation to the new one which has been thoroughly tested in the last weeks in Collector Cup, Titan and Platinum League. This will reduce the overall surprising matches rate to roughly 5 percent, and it will reduce sometimes occuring high goal remis results. The change does not affect the simulation in any other way.
Winter is here
Well, at least in the northern hemisphere we clearly have winter, only without zombies.
Time to warm our hearts with a new installation of the Winter Cup. This special tournament will be held from friday to monday, winners get two treasure chest collectibles and runners-up one.
Furthermore, we are going to adjust the clan challenge thresholds for the „matches“ and „tournament winner“ versions because we found that during the last weeks they were to easy to win with double bonus by the former clan champion. As you know, the clan challenges have to be adjusted in a way that makes winning the clan trophy two times in a row is very hard. To achieve this, it must be nearly impossible to reach the double threshold of the clan challenge for the champion of the previous season (increased difficulty).
Of course we will keep monitoring those values and adjust them again in any direction if needed.
Extending tests of alternative random reduction
Starting tomorrow, the alternative random reduction system which is currently in place in the Collector Cup only, will be extended. Titan League and Platinum League will be switched to that system, which propably means next to now notable change, except for less unrealistic high results. After the season, we will review the results and feedback and decide if we extend the system to the whole KiO world or if we abandon the concept.
Season Special: Enter the Leagues!
This weekend, the german Bundesliga will continue. Due to this event, we invite all of our teams not playing leagues to join one – and we give you ruby as reward. One ruby for each league match will be added throughout the week, so 30 ruby in total just for joining one of the numerous leagues of the Kick it out world!
See you there!
Rocky road to 2018
Welcome to the new year! And welcome to a new year of Kick it out!
We start this year with an important change suggested by the community: It affects the „Temple of Football“ stadium. As you know, it used to produce rock concert items with a propability of 1 percent in each home match. Due to this low percentage, there was absolutely no guarantee that you got at least 1 concert for 100 home matches. It could take 200 or even 300 (or 50 or 30) – the lower a propability is, the higher the random variance. To change this, we now introduced a rock concert collectible card. You now get one of those with 11 percent propability after each home match, which also equals 1 rock concert in 100 home matches, but because of the higher percentage you will more often see that your Football temple is actually working!
Moreover, as this weekend’s special for ALL of you, EACH team gets a free rock concert collectible after 33 matches!
Note that you need the latest update from Google Play to see the correct name of the new collectible. Older versions will just display it as „Collectible“, but activating will work.
So now go playing and rocking the happy new year!
Happy new year!
As a new year special, you get two rare collectible cards for each pack purchase until Jan, 2nd!
We wish you a great year’s end party and an even greater new year 2018!
Kick it out wishes merry christmas!
We would like to say thank you today, thank you for playing, for your support and feedback.
Until dec 27th, you get FOUR presents extra for each pack purchase. Have happy and peaceful holidays!
Please note that the Ludetis support is not available on the christmas days, so most replies and renames will be delayed.
Weekend Special: Winter Cup
We just launched the Winter Cup as this weekend’s special. It’s a hourly KO cup, and the finals winner receives two treasure collectibles and the finals loser one.
Have a great weekend!