May Update

It realese tomorrow morning for Android.The updates for WinPhone , Win 8 and ios delayed unfortunately until early June.

The new features are:

    All platforms:
    New Medal for the Redeeming Trading Cards. Unfortunately, this could not be considered the exchange actions of the first three days after introduction of the pictures. Unfortunately it is not possible to include later.


  • Facebook login on the Profile page, you can link your team with your own Facebook account. If you do that, you can post tournament victories in your Facebook timeline. More features will be added later. The game will be still playable without FB account. The start of the FB version is close, gradually adding more features such as invite a FB friend as KiO friend etc.
  • Optimization of memory usage, fewer crashes.
  • The Team Info box on the main page displays occasionally, how many Rubies you have
  • IOS:

  • SponsorPay Offerwall , support for Ruby Shop
  • Slot Machine
  • Categorization of Store Items
  • Extension of the Archivist Screens
  • Windows 8:

  • SponsorPay Offerwall, support for Ruby Shop.
  • There is also a cool secret feature, which will not be revealed!

    In addition, the Facebook version will be published in June definitely(based on Silverlight, it doesn’t work with Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer are required).