December Update for Android: Preview

On december 8th, we will release the KiO december update.

The main new feature – originally planned for the 4.0 as the „flags successor“ – is: COACH ACTIONS.

Here’s how it looks:

The coach gets his own screen. You get one „Coach Action Point“ (CAP) each day when you visit the coach screen (much like the Academy). You also get CAP from new challenges, in presents, in surprises, and we will add them to some packs.

Before each match, you can use one of the available „Coach Actions“ which costs a certain amount of CAP each time. In the above screenshot, you see the first two coach actions we introduce. More coach actions will be added in the next weeks and months. There will also be an option to plan an action for a league match in the future.

As you see, the first action, „Overstrain“, gives all your players a +5 bonus in the next match, but also doubles exhaustion. Use it wisely.

The second action is better, as it has no downside: It increases the strength of all goal shots by 25%. Obviously, this action costs more CAP. And to use it, your coach needs to have at least 10 experience points (XP). This is also a new feature. A coach gains XP whenever you win a match because of using a coach action. This means the coach does not get the point if you use „Overstrain“ in a match vs. FC Ballermann or FC Null Brasil. Your opponent must be on par with your team.

You can use up to one coach action per match. Of course the match reports show which coach actions have been used.

As said before, more coach actions will be added in the future. We already have some ideas, but we’re sure you also have. Share your suggestions on Facebook or in our Forum!

Not to forget, the December update will also allow you to upgrade silver contracts to silver specialist contracts, as many wished. Also, the archivist will show your league history. There will be major changes to the regular challenges, and a small promotion system which allows you to get free items if you try our other games.

We’re sure you’ll like it.