KiO Week: Season 421

As you noticed, we started another poll asking how the win chances in the paper scissors rock system should be. We keep that poll running for another while, but we can already see a clear tendency towards a clear majority (50%) for the option 70:30. We will give the poll another week, the we will start to adjust the simulation accordingly, but in a first phase only in our laboratory. As christmas is approaching fast, we are only willing to do changes to the game early next year, on january 6th earliest. We will need one season to further adjust the values in real life, so we can expect stable values as desired for the season starting on january 13th. We will also reorganize the league system at the beginning of the year, with continental tactical emphasis leagues and non-tactical national leagues. This also means that some nation leagues will be closed, and we are currently discussing very insensively which ones. Thanks for your patience!

Update delayed

The december update KiO 9.2 will be delayed for one week. There are three main reasons for this. Some testers found bugs in the beta, the app experiences crashes on Android 8 devices, and last but not least the update mostly brings features supporting items in the revamped Season Pack, but we can only change pack contents properly on first days of a month. Thatfor KiO 9.2 will come on friday, november 30th, and the new winter season pack will arrive on december 1st, midnight CET. Note that this also means that the current season pack will vanish, so if you want to have one or two, make sure you get them before the pack is removed on november 30th (around noon).

Advent calendar

As in each year, we are again bringing the beloved Advent Calender to you. You can get the item from the shop soon. You can use it once a day from december 1st to december 24th and it will give you a free item each day. Each day brings a different item, so that’s a lot of christmas time fun!