Archiv der Kategorie: News

Changes to team name rules

Recent events force us to introduce additional rules to team names as follows:

  • political statements of any color (including „Je suis…“)
  • religion (be it Abu Bakr or Jesus Christ)
  • brand names (Red Bull, Emirates…)
  • statements or requests (like: do not play 541 or: I don’t like this game
  • like before: insults or explicit language
  • names of existing teams, even if you change a couple of letters. So Real Madrid is not allowed and neither is Boka Juniors.
  • In other cases not listed here, we reserve the right to refuse the renaming.

Note that rename items are not returned if we reject a team name because of the above reasons.

If you want to publish a political or other statement, please do this on social networks or in the offtopic section of our forum. Please understand that team names are not the correct place for stuff like that and we need to keep them as neutral as possible.

We are going to change existing team names which violate the above rules as soon as we notice them or when they are reported.

Thank you for your understanding.

Change to mascot challenges

Mascot challenges now occur more frequently and their propability is independant on how many mascots you already have.
Mascots now always are granted in the order Sheep Bob (bonus 1), Karlo Kick (bonus 2), Gonzalo Gorilla (3), Berti Beer (4), Golden Goal (5).
This gives everybody the chance to get all mascots. BUT we increased the difficulty for the mascot challenges by reducing their running time, because it should not be too easy to gain the highest mascot bonus. The more mascots you already have, the less time you have to solve the challenge for the next. Furthermore, better mascots have a reduced validity time (2-3 months).
To prevent the case that you get a short running challenge when you are offline but have a league match (at night), challenges are now only generated if you are online. So don’t put away your device before a match report has finished, because you might get a challenge.
Good news for owners of bonus 1 mascots given out end of last year: Those teams now also get mascot challenges and receive mascots with higher bonusses. In such a case any existing bonus 1 mascot of the same name is replaced by the new one.
All changes are already in place now.

KiO 6 Preview #4 – Weekly Leaderboards and more

The update to KiO6 is imminent, we want to use the chance yet to present three other new features.
In this preview, we introduce in more detail the mental coach, the indication of the relative market value and the Weekly leaderboards.

We will replace the relative value through absolute values.
So there is no 50% or 500% of market value more, but a slider to adjust the absolute value.
This will help you get started, especially newcomers.

transfer offer slider

The Mental Coach you can increase every day your morale by 1. In addition to the Trainer actions boost , you now have the ability to maintain your morale constant at a certain level.

Now we come to a feature in which we are absolutely sure that you’ll like this new feature. Well you asked often for this feature. We introduce the Weekly Leaderboards. As you can see on the screen lists are about a season(!). The prestige and the games counted and represented in this new leaderboards.

toplist season matches

In addition, we will change the standard challenges. The amended challenges will be as follows:

  • Play Games 20x in a sold out stadium → 1 treasure chest (previously 10x instead of 20x and you only got TAP
  • Play Games 20x with min. 2 U21 players → 1 rookie point (previously gain moral 10. Is it logical)
  • Win 10 games with min. 2 Under-21 players → 1 mascot (previously: play „X“ games 0: 0, which was too heavy and also annoying)

The following will disappear:

  • Win x matches at home with 3 or more goals
  • Train 3 player
  • Beat 10 times a better team

In total there are 3 so that standard HF less, which mathematically increases the probability of getting on of the other challenges (eg Scout discovery or mascot).
There is as yet only rewards rookie points, rubies, mascots and treasure chest. The rookie points are therefore the only recoverable item, which is also available in the shop, but it’s also popular.
Upon the Mascot challenges it is important to note that the probability of getting them decreases, the more mascots you have. As already explained, i’ll more difficult in the future to have all 5 mascots and the highest superstitous bonus of +22. This is intentional.

We hope you enjoy the new features and wish you lots of fun with KiO6!

KiO 6 Preview #3 – Rare Items

A week has passed, it follows the next preview for KiO6.
Today is, as you’ve probably recognized in the heading about rare items. Rare items will receive it by opening a treasure chest.

Currently there are three Rare Items: The enlightenment, the powerfeed and the rock concertnow sequence.

The new items:

The Prolongation: With this item you can procrastinate the pension of one player by one year, which is in the end of his career (he had to announcemented his wish to go to pension). You can do this until the player is 36 years old. You can move the End of career, on some players three times, on others not at all, and a total of not more than career end of the 38th birthday.

The Specialist Training: Change a random Normalo to a random specialist.

Let’s talk about the revisions:

The rock concert add 1% of your total prestige as a bonus for hosting the concert. (Max up to 100 prestige).

The enlightenment is limited to 125 strength.

Last but not least power feed will be a normal item that you can purchase via the in-game shop.

In the near future we will announce more new features, so follow us on Facebook, our forum or here so you miss nothing!

KiO 6 Preview #2 – Restructuring of the coaching actions

The release date for KiO6 is in near future, it is time for the next preview of the next major update.
As already announced in the last preview, kio6 contains a number of large and small improvements, which consist largely of requests from the community.

Today we want you as announced in the title, show you how the coaches actions will look after the update.

From now on, the coach has no more influence on the game, only on the team.
How this should look like, we now show you with two examples:

Increases morale by 1 (max. Up to 3)
Cost: 3 action points trainer

special training
A random upgradeable player receives +1
Cost: 6 action points trainer
requires 5 Experience points

New Coaching Actions

As can be seen clearly, is the coach action „motivator“ primarily intended for casual gamers, since you can quickly push up with his own morality.
The action „special training“ is particularly suited to train the players the strength limit exceeded Q90 (training camp no longer act from this limit). It is well applicable for all other players.

Of course it will not stop with this two featured coaches actions, but we hope that these two suffice presented so that you can you take a picture of the future of manager actions.

IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With KiO6 the old flags will be completely abolished. They lose any benefit and can only be recycled.

KiO 6 Preview # 1 – The Redesign

Time for a first preview on Kick it out! 6.0 which will come later this november.
It contains a number of large and small improvements, which consist largely of requests from the community.
We will now introduce you gradually changes.

Today we would like to introduce the new contemporary design.
Because it won’t help much to describe you this, we’ll show you as screenshots.
We hope you like it as much as we do. If you like the old design more, you have the possibility to switch between the two designs.

In the near future we will announce more new features, so follow us on Facebook, our forum or here so you miss nothing!

Restructing of the packs!

From the 11/01/2014 all items will be unlimited available in the ingame shop.
The only exception is (for now) the treasure chest (because of the associated enlightenment -> Monster risk).
This means in particular that rookie points will be purchasable for unlimited rubies: 4 Rubies for 1 rookie point, 39 rubies for 10 rookie points.
In addition, at the same time also disappears the Tools Pack, and a large ruby-Pack will be available.

The „old“ packs (Season, Player, Booster) initially remain at the store, although they are not really needed. Most things are cheaper to buy via rubies (because you do not „ballast“ buys).

Other changes are there with KiO 6.0 (scheduled for 30.11.), in example the Rare Items will be revised so that the treasure chest will be available in the shop, and the challenges will be changed (so that the Scout RF-slightly more often comes).
We will announce exact details to KiO 6 in November.

October Update

This sunday we will release the KiO october update for Android (ios, win8 and winphone might come a few days later). It brings one new feature which has been developed together with the community (you!) during the last months: Exclusive Scout Offers. This works as follows:

1. You can get a new challenge which has the reward „scout discovery“. Finish this challenge and your scout will be in „discovery mode“. This will also be displayed on his screen of course.

2. Whenever the scout is in discovery mode and you send him out for a player search, he returns with exactly one result. (Otherwise he works as before.)

3. The resulting player fits your search parameters exactly. Yes, this means that you can „make“ a 18 year old Q99 cat this way (but no Q100 players and not players with + signs). You then get one or two distinct offers to buy this player immediately. One offer is ruby only, the other is (less) ruby plus cash. Of course ruby and cash both depend on the strength of the player. The ruby only option does only exist for prices less than 150 ruby. This is because we propably all do not want newbies to buy 100 ruby packs and then buy a Q99 team out of nowhere. Thus you need a considerable amount of cash to buy such top players. Here is a screen:

Player discovered by Scout
(sorry for this being a german screenshot, but I am sure you understand what it means)

Examples for prices:

Top silver (Q69) 18 years cost 25 ruby or 20 ruby plus 3 millions. Compare this to the silver player in the premium shop who costs 20 but has random stats. Paying 5 ruby more or 3 million is obviously a fair option.

Top gold (Q89) cost 45 ruby or 27 ruby plus 9.5 million K$. Specialists slightly more. Given the fact that you could get 3 players with selectable position of this type out of 2 ruby packs, this also is quite fair.

Platinum (Q94) cost 137 ruby or 59 ruby plus 500 mil. This is the best player for whom the ruby only option exists. Specialists are more expensive (67 ruby plus 600 mill).
Top platinum (Q99) specialists cost 148 ruby plus 1.7 billion K$. Obviously the best players are extremely expensive. I am sure all of you understand that there is no other way. The best items in any game must always remain very hard to achieve. That said, the ruby cost is still below 150 which equals two ruby packs. So for €1,98 plus the money many pro teams have (and know nothing to do with) equals one absolute top specialist of choice. Before you scream how expensive this is, please note that a) you can exactly determine the stats of your new player which is not possible in the academy, and b) given the fact you have the money, it is actually quite cheep compared to how many booster packs you need to get such a player from the academy.

Note that the new scout feature has been designed together with the community. Especially the ruby+cash option was a great idea from the community which makes the new feature really flexible and worth a try. Of course we will monitor how many players are sold for which price and if needed, we will adjust the prices. But for now, get the update and try the new feature on sunday. I am sure you will like it.

One short look into the future: The october update is the last update for KiO 5. Next is KiO 6 which will bring some simplifications and a modernized look. More info soon.

August Update

The August update appears Sunday, 31.8. morning on all platforms, only on Windows it will be delayed a little.

Here the informations about the August update:

The main innovation is the „Regional Tournaments„.
Regional tournaments are tournaments where you can participate if you are staying physically in the appropriate geographic region.

For this, the app is the coarse spatial coordinates query (easy for Android via WLAN-based location determination without power-hungry satellite). We will not store the spatial coordinates, plus there will be an update of the Terms and Conditions. The spatial coordinates are only evaluated to examine the tournament admission and then „forget“.

So there is a NRW-Cup, a Bavaria Cup, a AustriaCup and so on (details of the distribution, thickness limits, discharge interval, prize money etc are not fixed yet) and associated Trophies and Achievements (in example gains X Regional tournaments and win X various regional tournaments).

Important: These tournaments you can participate if you stay physically in an appropriate geographic region. This involves analyzing the current rough position (without satellite) smartphone. Because of the uncertain localization unfortunately Facebook and Windows 8 User cant participate. The Regional tournaments will be visible only to Winphones, ios and Android.

The regional cups are all discharged once per day, in the early evening to day slightly changing times (due to collision with leagues). But the cups are already visible in the afternoon, so you know when to sign up. We start on Sunday, first with the following 13 regional Cups:

Nord (Schleswig-Holstein + Hamburg)
Niedersachsen (inkl. Bremen)
Saxonia (Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt)
Thuringia (Thüringen)
Nordost (Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

You can see the Regional Cups only if you have at least version 5.8. The updates for Android and ios definitely come Sunday morning, WinPhone may be delayed. With Facebook and Windows 8 can not compete in Regional Cups unfortunately. Needless to say I hope is that you only see those in the regional cup tournament list that matches the current location.

The cups are NOT initially limited, and there is no gradation silver / gold / platinum. Because we want to wait for first resonance. It would be pointless to split the Cup when then per region only register three people and turn the cups. The breakdown is however possible and can occur at any time after short notice, even as early as Monday.
Of course, the winner received the golden Regional Cup. Once we split, there is also a silver and one in platinum. The new medal for winning regional tournaments but is independent of that applies to each Regional Cup no matter what „color“.

Regionaler Cup

The cups are initially limited to 16 participants, but we are pretty sure that we will change individual already Monday at 32. The game is played in KO system, entry fee is $ 100,000 K, prize money 80,000 per person (for 16 participants so 1280000), prestige for the winner +4 per participant -> 64 in base-16 tournaments. The minimum number is 4. With fewer applications, the tournament is canceled, otherwise with AIs padded to the next power of two (8 or 16).

In addition, from sunday morning you wont get allrounder or motivator randomly by using a contract. This was an explicit desire of the community.

Have fun!

-FR-Breizh Lions AOC is the champion of the clan wc!

We have a winner!

The -FR-Breizh Lions AOC was able to win against TRM domnitsch 1-0 in the final, making it to the first Clan World Cup winner! Congratulations!

In the 3rd place match between -DE- BVB Borussia Baden and WSW Schmerzker Fuechse I KL, -DE- BVB Borussia Baden won 3:2.
Also congratulations!

We hope you had fun!