KiO Week 422: December Update

The KiO December update is now available. It is mandatory for the support of the new Season Pack Winter 2018 and bringt bugfixes for Android 8 devices.

This pack contains one strength 100 playmaker specialist (def or off midfield is random) with a +7 worldstar boost attached. Important: Worldstar boosts are reduced by 1 automatically each season change (during sunday nights). Other than that, worldstar boosts are like any other boost. The vanish when the player is sold and they can be replaced by other boosts. So as soon as the worldstar boost drops down to +3, you could replace it with a Protein boost if desired.

The pack also introduces the Videoparty item. If you activate this item, you get a special challenge (if you have a challenge you cannot activate the videoparty): You are requested to score a number of special goals in only one hour. If and only if you achieve this, your team gets a morale +5 bonus. Of course the morale cannot exceed the limit of 10 (or 11 with the right coach). So plan exactly when you want to run your party!

December update also adds a list of league cups you played just beside the list of your leagues.

If you like the new items, drop us a note. (If you don’t, yeah, why not, tell us, too). The Season Pack Winter 2018 is currently limited until december 31st. It totally depends on your feedback what happens afterwards.

Hey and don’t forget it’s december 1st, so go and check your advent calendar!