KiO Week: Season 400

Yes, it’s the 400th season of KiO Leagues! This means 8 years, as each season takes one week.

Now, here’s what’s important for this week.

Three days left and 25 vacancies in the KiO World Cup groups! Today we’ll have roughly 10 more qualifiers, also on saturday, and the remaining few will be held on sunday. Make sure you try to get your ticket to the group phase, which will take place next week saturday.

Player Pack Relaunch

Yes, we are tweaking the well-known Player Pack. To be honest, all the world already has 1000 rookie contracts in their inventories, and they are available in the shop and for collectible cards. So we are going to remove them from the player pack, alongside with the crystal balls, for which the same applies (but they are to be more rare of course). The new content of the Player Pack can easily be described as follows: You get three specialists! Two of those will have maximum strength between 61 and 99. The third, and that’s a big deal, is a guaranteed top platinum player, with maximum strength between 97 and 99. Really strong players for your A or B team! We believe that’s what you expect from something names „player pack“, and that’s what you’re gonna get, starting 0:00 CEST, July 1st. Make sure you read the pack content description displayed in the app, as this is exactly what you will get. There will also be a small App update exchanging the pack picture, but what really counts is the content description.

Now, as my last point here, let me give you the latest figures: We told you that with the KiO 9 update, we would reduce the surprises in matches, and now our measurements show the real result: Surprise ratio dropped from 8-9% to 4-5%. I am confident that you can all feel that our game is now even more tactical, and that’s the way we will continue to go in the future. More on this later this summer!