Starting sunday: The Titan Cup

As promised, here comes the last new feature of the forthcoming update – the Titan Cup!

This tournament will be played regularly in the future, both as Cup and League, and has been made for those top teams with strength above 99. Of course the new cup gives you prestige, payout and clan score, and there also is a new achievement about winning Titan Cups.

Of course this only makes sense if we do some changes to the existing tournaments, too. The Platinum Cup and League will be limited to teams with strength 99 – better chances to win for platinum teams! Also, the KiO Cups A and B will be limited to Level 30/25 to ensure that beginner and advanced teams do not face powergamer teams all the time.

We’re sure you’re as excited as we about the new Cup and the whole update. It all starts on sunday!

And, by the way, there’s a short teaser video on our facebook page. Like and share it!