Special: More Emblems!

Dragon, eagle, Currywurst – it’s just not enough! You want more emblem styles to choose from, and, yes, we can do this.

Unfortunately we are totally uncreative like a deflated ball in the desert. Please help us! Not for free of course.

Until end of january, send us your ideas. Send hand-painted sketches, perfectly drawn patterns, images from the web (provided they have a public domain license) or simply descriptions of designs you’d like to see in emblems (or even a basic emblem form itself). We are going to include the best ideas into the next update, and among all participants, we raffle 11 ruby packs.

Send your entry by email to support(at)ludetis.de with the subject „Emblems“. Please note the following technical details if you want to create a ready-to-use image: 320×400 pix, PNG format with transparency and black and white colors only (the game changes the white to your selected team color automatically, black remains black and transparency remains transparency). Do not include stars, they are added automatically.

We are very curious about what you’ll come up with!