Kick it out! 8.0 will be released on 27.11.

The update is incoming!

Not much longer, then it’s time: Kick it out! 8.0 appears for Android and Windows.

The biggest innovations you have already seen in the preview: The new trainers and the new clan evaluation.

But Version 8.0 brings even more.

So you can activate the President’s Villa once a day to get a rare collectible! This innovation goes back to an idea from the community. We always look forward to great suggestions and implement them whenever it seems feasible and useful!

Also new is an occasional clue in the teaminfo box to reach nearby medals. Since there is always a reward for the achievement of a medal (for platinum medals, for example, a treasure chest) it is worth looking closely there.

The prize money in the leagues is also clearly increased. In addition there are prizes for place 1 (treasure chest!) To 5. – not only because of the higher weighting in the clan rating, the leagues are thus significantly more attractive.

We are looking forward to the big update, we look at the playing fields!

Your Ludetis team